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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK720117 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK720117
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The terms differential, transfer box and final drive are sometimes used imprecisely;in addition, these mechanisms are often integrated in the same subsystemin a wide variety of combinations. In this chapter we introduce definitions thatshould help to clarify this issue.
The differential is a mechanism that allows the torque from an input shaftto be divided into two predetermined parts, flowing through two output shafts;torque ratios are independent of the speed ratios of the same shafts.
This mechanism can be used either to divide the torque coming out of thefinal drive into equal parts acting on the traction wheels of the same axle, or todivide the torque coming out of the gearbox into two predetermined parts actingon different axles of the same vehicle. This second application is sometimes calledthe transfer box differential or central differential.
The final drive is a gear train that further reduces the speed of the gearboxoutput shaft to adapt it to the traction wheels; this gear train is usually integratedwith a differential mechanism. Under this name are sometimes included those speed reducers that are put on the transmission line after the differential final drive and integrated in the wheel hub.
The transfer box is a mechanism that provides for the movement of two or more drivelines through the single output shaft of the gearbox; it is used on vehicles with multiple traction axles. When multiple axle traction is permanent a differential is also needed to allow different mean rotation speeds on the axles; in such cases the differential train is usually integrated in the transfer box.
