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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK711821 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK711821
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灌溉涉及人工提供作物需水。这项技术使用在农业上是为了使植物在没有足够雨水时仍能生长,特别是在干旱地区,也同样应用于较轻干旱的地区给植物结果实时提供水。大约全世界66%的流域水用于农业, 并且灌溉用水继续增长。但是灌溉系统中50%到60%的水没有很好的被植物利用。因此建立更为细致的灌溉制度以确保最适宜的农业生产是有必要的。

Importance of Irrigation Engineering
Irrigation involves artificially providing crops with water. This technique is used in farming to enable plants to grow when there is not enough rain, particularly in arid areas. It is also used in less arid regions to provide plants with the water they need when seed setting. About 66% of the world's water catchment is used in farming, which continues to make increasing use of irrigation. But in most irrigation systems 50 to 60% of the water used does not benefit the plants. It is therefore necessary to set up more carefully designed irrigation schemes that ensure optimum agricultural production while preserving this resource.
The choice of irrigation method depends on the type of crop and economic context. For small areas a network of open channels providing water by gravity remains the least costly and simplest solution. More sophisticated modem techniques can reduce water consumption: drip irrigation delivers the water at the plants' roots and sprinkler irrigation sprays it over the crop.
