车用燃油的使用知识Automobile body panels spra
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车用燃油的使用知识 汽车是现代化生产和生活中不可缺少的重要交通和运输工具。当您有机会驾驶一辆汽车时,相信您会关心、呵护您心爱的座驾。也许您关心点火线路、火花塞,看它们是否影响了发动机的输出功率;或是考虑装用什么样的节油装置会节省一些开销;又或是到各处去挑选催化装置,以应付尾气排放的油查。可是,您可曾想到过,那最普通的燃油在其中起着什么样的作用呢?车用燃油的构成与特征我们通常使用的汽车都是用内燃机作动力,根据其工作方式的不同又分为汽油机和柴油机。汽油、柴油都是从石油中提炼制成。远古时期的动、植物遗体由于地壳的运动被压在地层深处,在高温、高压和缺氧的条件下,经过复杂的化学变化而逐渐形成石油。石油的化学成分比较复杂,它不是单一的元素组成的,而是由碳氢化合物构成的混合体。汽油的主要成本是烷烃,它的性质稳定,发热量大且不易氧化;汽油中的芳香烃的抗炽爆性强,这对汽油来说好的,但它在柴油中就会使柴油的燃烧性能变差,对于柴油是不好的。此外,石油中含有的少量氮化物、氧化物和硫化物等,属于油料中的不良成分,在炼制过程中要尽量设法去除的。从地下开采出来的原油厂里经过非常复杂的炼制工序,最终提炼出汽油、柴油和煤油等燃料。总的来说,经过加工达到了一定质量标准的汽油、柴油呈淡黄色透明液体状,密度比水小。汽油和柴油的气味有所不同,触摸感也不同,用手蘸一点汽油,手发凉,有涩感,汽油蒸发后皮肤发白;用手蘸柴油感觉滑腻,有油感。汽油的正确选用正确的选用燃料才能使发动机发挥出应有的效率。如果燃料迁用不当,不仅发不出发动机应有的功率,相反还会对发动机造成损伤,降低它的性能和使用寿命。汽油是一种挥发性很强的燃料,甚至于在-30℃的低温下还能产生可以被点燃的油气。汽油的挥发性越好,就越容易汽化,在冬季低温的环境下能使冷车顺得地起动和正常工作。但挥发性过强的汽油容易在汽油泵、输油管曲折或油管较热的部位造成气阻。 Automobile body panels spray process Automobile production and modern life is an indispensable and important traffic and transport. When you have the opportunity to drive a car, I am sure that you will be concerned about the care of your beloved rides. Perhaps you are concerned about the ignition line, a spark plug, to see whether they affected the engine power output, or to consider what kind of equipment with saving device will save some overhead; or to the entire selection of the catalytic devices to meet emissions oil check. However, you may have thought that the most common fuel in which to play the role of what? Motor fuel composition and characteristics of the car we normally use are powered by the internal combustion engine, in accordance with their work and the different ways of points for the gasoline engine and diesel. Gasoline, diesel are made from oil refining. The ancient times and plant remains were due to the earth's crust formation pressure in the deep, high temperature and high pressure, and under the conditions of hypoxia, through a complicated chemical changes in the evolving oil. Comparison of the chemical composition of the oil complex |