滚压机设计Roll press design
来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK79047 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK79047

摘要 在文章的第一部分,叙述了滚压机的主要特点。 然后,讲述了喂料和挤压质量之间的关系。 对于某个静态差距(无负载) ,滚压机的处理量是由螺旋喂料速度决定的,与滚筒的速度快慢和需要压实的生产材料无关。当处理量是多种多样的时候,控制差距是一个获得相同质量压坯的好方法。对强烈环节紧凑的应力分布的解释和说明,这些应力是分布在由一根周期旋转的螺杆喂料的滚压机上的。 关键词:辊压; 喂料装置; 压坯异质; 差距控制 1.引言 由于滚压机简单、低营运成本的理念,而且用材广泛,所以被用在了许多不同的行业(化工、制药、 食品加工、采矿、矿产、冶金)上。广泛的垃圾回收或处理就是一个新兴的应用领域。滚压机的挤压要比第一眼看上去的复杂。 对很多参数和对滚压机理的缺乏了解导致了滚压机没有产品的优越性。 这篇文章将讲述滚压机的主要部分。 文中将注意力集中在了解喂料装置是如何影响压实质量的。 2. 滚压机的概说〔1-5〕 滚压机的滚压是一个连续的过程。 功能原理很简单:料粉是通过重力方式或者通过一根连接两个方向相反正在旋转的辊子的螺杆喂入。 由材料和滚筒表面产生的摩擦在辊子之间的狭小空间里带出料粉,在这些空隙里粉末产生的强大应力导致了其结构紧凑。 如果滚筒是平滑的或者是槽型的,物料被压紧成致密片 而口袋卷筒将形成煤球型的(如图1所示)。 Abstract In the first part of the article, the main features of roll compactor design are reviewed. Then, the interaction between feeder and compact quality is demonstrated. For a given static gap (no load), the throughput of the press is only a function of the screw feeder speed no matter of the roller speed as long as compacted material is produced. Control of the gap is a good way to obtain compacts of the same quality when throughput is varied. The strong link of the stress distribution of the compact issued from a roll press fed by a single screw with the periodicity of the screw was demonstrated and explained. Keywords: Roll compactor; Feeding device; Heterogeneity of compact; Gap control 1. Introduction Because of their conceptual simplicity and low operating cost, roll compactors are used in many different industries (chemical, pharmaceutical, food processing, mining, minerals, and metallurgical) for a wide variety of materials. A new emerging application is the vast field of waste recycling or disposal. Compaction in a roll press is more complicated than it looks at first sight. Many parameters are involved and a lack of understanding of compaction mechanisms results in products that do not possess the required characteristics. This article will review the main features of roll compactors. Then, attention will be focused on the understanding of how the feeding device influences the quality of compacts. 2. Generality about roll compaction |