来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK79023 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK79023

The highlight of our concept is the SINUMERIK 840D - the sophisticated system platform with trend-setting functions for almost all technologies. Together with the SIMODRIVE 611 Digital converter system and the SIMATIC S7 programmable controller, the SINUMERIK 840D provides a complete digital system which is suitable for complex machining tasks and which excels with its fine dynamics and precision. The standard system offers a wide range of specialized functions for drilling, turning, milling, grinding and handling technologies - as it also does for nibbling, punching or laser machining technologies. 840d SINUMERIK 840D数字NC系统用于各种复杂加工 ---- 我们突出的产品SINUMERIK 840D,它在复杂的系统平台上,通过系统设定而适于各种控制技术。840D与SINUMERIK_611数字驱动系统和SIMATIC?7可编程控制器一起,构成全数字控制系统,它适于各种复杂加工任务的控制,具有优于其它系统的动态品质和控制精度。 ----标准控制系统的特征是具有大量的控制功能,如钻削、车削、铣削、磨削以及特殊控制,这些功能在使用中不会有任何相互影响。由于开放的结构,这个完整的系统也适于其它技术如剪切、冲压和激光加工等。 SINUMERIK 840D - The Digital System for almost ALL Applications… For Perfect Networking of Your Production Facility: the IT solutions Integration Concept. SINUMERIK motion control systems can be put together from just a few components for a whole range of different performance ranges and technologies. With the modularity and open-endness that only a few can offer. And a convincing uniform structure for operation, programming and visualization. -- SINUMERIK 840D的突出之处在于其不断扩展的特性。 ---- SINUMERIK 840D强大的网络功能,使其突现现代化管理成为可能。 ----例如,NC现在包括神经网络,其自学习、自优化系统使系统的调整时间大为缩短。精调也可按机床用户的要求简单自动地进行。 ----另外在SINUMERIK 840D和SIMODRIVE 611的基础上,只需最少的硬件和软件投资,即可生成易于使用的仿形数字化系统。 ----最大限度集成是我们的一贯作风,SINUMERIK 840D集成在与SIMODRIVE 611控制模块相同的50mm宽框架中,将SINUMERIK 840D,SIMODRIVE 611D,加上先进的SIMATIC S7系统,即为机床的自动化提供了全方位的解决方案:全数字化的系统、革新的系统结构、更高的控制品质、更高的系统分辨率以及更短的采样时间,确保了一流的工件质量。 With SINUMERIK 840D, you have an integrated control solution which makes it possible for you, the entrepreneur, to manufacture more efficiently. Would you like all of the details about our range of SINUMERIK 840D, simply refer the download center. SINUMERIK 840D:标准的数控系统适于几乎所有的应用 ----它采用了当今最先进的控制概念、适用于钻削、铣削以及车削和磨削机床加工的控制。 ----例如,具有数控系统和SIMODRIVE间数字通讯的车床可以达到磨床的加工精度。 全文 5200字 |