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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK79011 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK79011
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Abstract The design space of multi-stage transmissions is usually very large and heavily constrained. This places significant demands on the algorithm employed to search it, but successful optimization has the potential to yield considerably better designs than conventional heuristics, at the same time enabling a better understanding of the trade-offs between various objectives (such as service life and overall weight). Here we tackle a two-stage helical gear transmission design problem (complete with the sizing and selection of shafts, bearings, housing, etc.) using a two-phase evolutionary algorithm in a formulation that can be extended to include additional stages or different layouts.
Keywords Evolutionary optimization • Gear train design •Spur gear sets • Punctuated equilibria • Multi-objective optimization
1 Introduction
The complexity of the design of multi-stage reducers lies in the strong and often intractable connections between the design variables defining its sub-systems. In other words, an optimal reducer is generally not an assembly of components optimized in isolation, a fact overlooked by many conventional design heuristics. For instance, the impact of a certain choice of gear width and center distance may yield a minimum mass gearing, but the selection of this gearing may cascade through subsequent steps of the design process (sizing of shafts, further stages, bearings, housing,
etc.) to ultimately lead to a heavier reducer than if a slight compromise had been made on the choice of that first gearing.

