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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK711874 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK711874
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外文出处    University Hospital Zurich,   Zurich, Switzerland
摘要:本文介绍新一代瓶坯注塑技术的特点以及通过一个循环所实现的瓶性能。这一循环使瓶胚冷却不再需要机械手和引出板,而是瓶胚直接在模芯上冷却,在进一步通过2.5 注射循环冷却之后被顶出。这使制件的冷却得以改进,从而大大提高了每个阴模的产量。从工作单元去掉机械手减少了空间需求,并大大简化了系统。
关键词: 注塑模具设计 循环速度

Automated Assembly Modelling for Plastic Injection Moulds
X. G. Ye, J. Y. H. Fuh and K. S. Lee
Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
An injection mould is a mechanical assembly that consists of product-dependent parts and product-independent parts. Thispaper addresses the two key issues of assembly modellingfor injection moulds, namely, representing an injection mouldassembly in a computer and determining the position andorientation of a product-independent part in an assembly. Afeature-based and object-oriented representation is proposedto represent the hierarchical assembly of injection moulds.This representation requires and permits a designer to thinkbeyond the mere shape of a part and state explicitly whatportions of a part are important and why. Thus, it providesan opportunity for designers to design for assembly (DFA). Asimplified symbolic geometric approach is also presented toinfer the configurations of assembly objects in an assemblyaccording to the mating conditions. Based on the proposedrepresentation and the simplified symbolic geometric approach,automatic assembly modelling is further discussed.
Keywords: Assembly modelling; Feature-based;  Injectionmoulds; Object-oriented
