来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK78645 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK78645

本地交换软交换系统:软交换和分组语音 1. 分组语音的影响 在接入网中运用DSL来传输语言的经济学非常受青睐。除了在接入网中的影响外,分组语音同时也影响着主干网络,从而支撑着端到端的分组语音的发展前景。 2. 历史透视 虽然分组语音的改革速度已经放慢了,但是在过去几年稳步地获得了动力。分组语音最早是被企业展开的,而这些企业是用宽域数据网络进行企业内部语音传输以此来节约费用的。 3. 前景 尽管目前分组语音不是很成功,但是市场对这个领域很感兴趣,这主要与快速增长的IP流量以及全世界网络上的语音流量的增长有关。在PSTN上消耗的语音流量的带宽的增长速度比在Internet上消耗的带宽增长得慢。快速发展传输和分组交换技术的要求强有力的推动了IP流量的增长。而持续发展的结果是,IP流量在传输和交换上的费用在迅速下降。因此,如果语音能以分组被运载的话,那么可以合理的推出:语音传输和交换费用也将快速下降。 很诱人的结论是,这个世界被IP控制着,在高容量的IP基础设施下语音几乎免费。但是对语音的传输完全不同于对数据的传输,因为不清楚在纯IP的基础上怎样保护语音分组流的分发。结果,实际上大部分的IP流量在高容量的分组网络中是ATM运输的,因为ATM为语音和数据提供普通的基于分组的传输机制,而提供服务质量(QOS)保护对语音传输是很重要的。 外文原文(复印件) Local-Exchange Softswitch System: Softswitch and Packet Voice 1. The Impact of Packet Voice In addition to its impact in the access network, where the economics of leveraging DSL to transport voice are very compelling, packet voice is also positioned to make an impact in the trunk network, thereby bolstering the prospects for end-to-end packet voice. 2.Historical Perspective The packet voice revolution has slowly but steadily been gaining momentum over the last few years. The earliest deployments of packet voice were driven by enterprises using wide-area data networks to carry intraenterprise voice traffic as a cost-saving measure. 3.Outlook Despite the patchy success of packet voice to date, market interest in this area remains very high. The primary reason for this interest is the dramatic growth of Internet protocol (IP) traffic relative to voice traffic in networks all over the world. The bandwidth consumed by voice traffic in the PSTN is growing at a slower rate than data bandwidth consumption growing in the Internet. Growth in the volume of IP traffic is driving demand for extremely rapid advances in both transmission and packet switching technologies. |