Windows 媒体服务开发包
来源 资料编号:WK78639 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK78639

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 Windows 媒体服务开发包 微软Windows 媒体服务开发包包含各种各样的技术。构造了一些部分来满足一 些想要把媒介流添加到他们的网站的网络作者的需要。 另一些部分是为了适应以网基 础的因特网服务商销售软件的解决方案的 这文档是基于相应的系统组成部分,Windows媒体服务SDK包含如下组成部分: Component Description Windows 媒体单播控件 一系列 Microsoft(r) ActiveX(r) 控件列出了他们的属性用来配置监视、管理Windows 媒体单播服务 Windows媒体站控件 一些 Microsoft(r) ActiveX(r) 控件列出了他们的属性用来配置监视、管理Windows 媒体广播服务 Windows 媒体服务认证API 一些 COM-compliant API 用来开发者认证用户,确认允许他们访问媒体的内容 Windows媒体服务事件通知和批准API 一些COM-compliant API 用于开发要求服务器在执行任务之前获得批准的数据包,并且当任务被完成时发送通知 Windows媒体服务文件传输控制 用于收到广播文件传输的一些ActiveX控件每一组成部分的文档被划分成为两段: · 编写程序指南描述控制或者API的结构,执行控制或者API,方式,和抽样代码和/或者 脚本显示控制或者API的用法。 · 编写程序参考描述每一个被控件或者API暴露的接口,方法,属性,事件,或者结构。 Windows媒体服务编程模型 Microsoft(r) Windows Media(tm) Services使得以各种各样的语言方法的开发成为可能,它们包括: 附件2:外文原文 Windows Media Services SDK The Microsoft(r) Windows Media(tm) Services Software Development Kit (SDK) encompasses a wide variety of technologies. Some sections are structured to meet the needs of Web authors who want to add streaming media to their Web sites. Other sections are geared toward Internet service vendors (ISVs) who are developing Web-based software solutions. This documentation is based on the corresponding system components. The Windows Media Services SDK contains the following components. Component Description Windows Media Unicast Controls A set of Microsoft(r) ActiveX(r) controls that expose attributes for configuring, monitoring, and managing Windows Media unicasting services. Windows Media Station Control A Microsoft(r) ActiveX(r) control that exposes attributes for configuring, monitoring, and managing Windows Media multicasting services. Windows Media Services Authentication API A COM-compliant API used for developing packages that authenticate users before allowing them to access the Windows Media-based content. Windows Media Services Event Notification and Authorization API A COM-compliant API used for developing packages that require the server to obtain authorization before performing tasks, and to send notification when the task is completed. Windows Media Services File Transfer Control An ActiveX control used to receive multicast file transfers.The documentation for each component is divided into two sections: * The Programming Guide describes the architecture of the control or API, ways to implement the control or API, and sample code |