Windows Media文件编辑器的使用简介
来源 资料编号:WK78636 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK78636

Windows Media文件编辑器是Windows Media 9 编码器安装程序的一部分。Windows Media文件编辑器的功能有:允许对已经编码了的问题文件添加有个性的文字字幕(为了使媒体文件更容易理解),设置标签(允许用户在媒体文件里获得一个特定的时间点),URL命令(使媒体文件触发要装载的Web网页)。文件编辑器同样可以设置媒体文件的标题,作者,版权和URL命令,所有这些都将很明显的增强媒体的表达。如果媒体文件只是被指定在网上传输,最低的要求就是要加上说明保证其可理解性。 开始: 在你开始使用Windows Media 文件编码器之前,你必将有一个已经在Windows Media Format编码过的文件。如果你没有这样的文件,你将要在Windows Media Encoder文件里找到制作的方法。如果你已经有一个,你现在就可以开始了。 开始转载程序-如果你已经在你计算机上安装了Windows Media Encoder 9 ,你将在被命名为实用工具的位于编码器旁边的文件夹里找到Windows Media 文件编辑器。在教学技术资源中心,你将在Multimedia|Windows Media|Utilities(多媒体|Windows Media|实用工具)路径下找到文件编辑器 一旦程序被运行,你将看到下面的界面: 你的第一步是通过在菜单里选择"FILE|Open(文件|打开)"装载一个已经编码了的多媒体文件 外文原文(复印件) Using the Windows Media File Editor The Windows Media File Editor is a program that is installed as part of the Windows Media Encoder 9 installation. The Windows Media File Editor serves the useful functions of allowing an encoded media file to be enhanced with closed captioning (to make the media file more accessible), indexing (to allow users to get to a specific location within the media file), and URL commands (to allow the media file to trigger the loading of web pages). The File Editor also allows adjustments to be made to the media file's title, author, copyright, and description information. Although every media file will not necessarily use index markers, captions, and URL commands, all of these can significantly enhance the media presentation, and, if the media file is destined for online delivery, it is a minimal requirement that captioning be provided to ensure accessibility. Getting Started Before you begin using the Windows Media File Editor , you will have to have already encoded a file in the Windows Media format. If you haven't already done so, you'll find instructions on getting the job done in the Windows Media Encoder documentation. If you have a file encoded, you are set to begin. Begin by launching the program--if you have installed the Windows Media Encoder 9 on your computer, you'll find the Windows Media File Editor in a subfolder named Utilities along side the Encoder installation; in the Instructional Technology Resource Center, you'll find the File Editor in the Multimedia|Windows Media|Utilities folder. Once the program has loaded, you will see the following screen: |