来源 资料编号:WK78634 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK78634

ADO.NET入门 介绍 本篇文章的目的在于通过结合使用Microsoft(r) SQL Server(tm) 2000体现的实用性好处,提供关于ADO.NET集中、有效、概括的介绍。预期的读者是熟悉ADO并乐于学习Microsoft .NET Framework数据存取的工程师或开发商。 背景简介 几乎每个应用软件都是通过数据存取和基于数据管理的代码来控制。这是在事物进程核心的应用程序中最流行的。在此应用程序中富于数据的对象是核心。这些数据操控的应用程序的整体部分是用于数据存取和数据处理的应用程序接口。这些应用程序接口最终控制由开发商生产的特性、应用程序的可维护性和应用程序的可扩展性。 数据存取应用程序接口的演变是一个艰难的重复的过程,主要集中于怎样应付关系数据使其更加灵活。我们目睹了ODBC、Microsoft(r) Jet、存取对象(DAO) 、远程数据对象(RDO)以及很多不是基于Microsoft的应用程序接口的成长和衰败。一方面,这些应用程序接口没有架设起基于对象的和半构造的(XML)数据编程需要之间的联系;另一方面,也无法严格地规格化关系数据的世界。将这个问题问题与处理异类数据存储的任务结合起来,像XML和应用程序这样无关联的数据贯穿多种语言,使你有极大的机会来完整你的结构。 在数据存取空间接受相似的挑战, Microsoft花费了很多时间和努力再设计那个使用在建立应用的基本的应用程序接口。主要的交互平台是Microsoft .NET Framework。在.NET Framework下主要的设计目标之一是提供给开发商一个简化的和更具延伸性的发展平台。另外, .NET Framework应该能使用于从简单的控制台应用程序到完全的分布式的XML Web服务器控制程序来建立任一类型的应用程序。 附件2:外文原文 ADO.NET Primer Introduction The purpose of this paper is to provide a concentrated, yet pragmatic, overview of ADO.NET by highlighting the performance and usability benefits of using ADO.NET with Microsoft(r) SQL Server(tm) 2000. The intended audience is architects and developers who are familiar with ADO and are interested in learning about data access in the Microsoft .NET Framework. Brief Background Almost every software application is driven by data access and data management-based code. This is most prevalent in business process-focused applications in which data-rich objects are the core of applications. An integral part of these data driven applications are the APIs used for data access and data manipulation. These APIs are what ultimately drive the features produced by the developer, the maintainability of the application, and the extensibility of the application. The evolution of data access API has been a painfully iterative process focusing predominantly on how to deal with relational data in a more flexible manner. We have seen the rise and fall of ODBC, Microsoft(r) Jet, Data Access Objects (DAO) and Remote Data Objects (RDO), in addition to many non-Microsoft-based APIs. These APIs did not bridge the gap between object-based and semi-structured (XML) data programming needs, on the one hand, and the rigid world of normalized relational data, on the other. Combine this problem with the task of dealing with heterogeneous data stores, non-relational data like XML and applications |