ASP.NET 2.0新增服务、控件、功能
来源 资料编号:WK78633 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK78633

asp.NET 2.0新增服务、控件、功能 主要讨论: * 新的数据控件 * 成员身份和角色 * 个性化和主题 * 编码和编译选项 主要内容: 代码分隔模型2.0 新的动态编译模型 预编译并且在不带源代码的情况下进行部署 母版页 数据源控件 数据控件 新增控件 成员身份服务 登录控件 自从2002年推出以来,ASP.NET业已成为在Windows倾力支持的服务器上运行的Web应用程序的金科玉律。在Microsoft .NET Framework的下一个主要版本中,ASP.NET 2.0将摆脱某些不完善的状况并发展为一种完全成熟的产品。它的目标是将完成常见Web编程任务所需的代码数量减少70%或更多。多种多样的新增服务、控件和功能会使ASP.NET 2.0像ASP.NET 1.x之于asp一样,使各项性能显著提高。 这里,将粗略介绍一些期望在asp.NET 2.0中看到的内容,对于几个精选的领域进行深入讨论并且提供一些示例程序来强调关键的功能。所有代码示例均针对asp.NET 2.0的预测试版本生成和测试的,可以从MSDN Magazine网站上下载到。 代码分隔模型2.0 外文原文(复印件) An Overview Of The New Services, Controls, And Features In asp.NET 2.0 This article discusses: * New data controls * Membership and roles * Personalization and themes * Coding and compilation options Contents Codebehind 2.0 New Dynamic Compilation Model Precompiling and Deploying Without Source Master Pages Data Source Controls Data Controls Other New Controls Membership Service Login Controls Since its introduction in 2002, ASP.NET has become the gold standard for Web applications run on servers powered by Microsoft(r) Windows(r). In version 2.0 of the Microsoft .NET Framework, ASP.NET sheds its new-kid-on-the-block status. Its aim is to reduce the amount of code required to accomplish common Web programming tasks by 70 percent or more. New services, controls, and features make ASP.NET 2.0 almost as dramatic an improvement to ASP.NET 1.x as that was to asp Classic. Here's a broad overview of the new features in ASP.NET 2.0, with drill-downs in selected areas and sample programs to highlight key features. The numerous sample pages referred to in this article are part of a site named aspNet2Samples, which you can download from the MSDN(r)Magazine Web site. |