ASP.NET 2.0的新功能
来源 资料编号:WK78632 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK78632

附件1 外文资料翻译译文 asp.NET 2.0的新功能 Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0包含ASP.NET各个方面的重要增强。ASP.NET已经为最常见的Web应用情形进行改进以提供开箱即用支持。你会发现你可以比从前任何时候更简单的,用更少的代码架设站点和设计网页并投入运行。同时你可以增加自定义的功能到asp.NET来满足你个人的要求。 asp.NET的具体改进的地方: * 生产力:你可以使用新的ASP.NET服务器控件和带有新功能的现有控件简单地、快速地创建出asp.NET网页和Web应用程序。新的特征例如会员身份认证,个性化,和主题提供了系统级的功能,而这通常需要开发者编写大量的编码。核心的开发情景,尤其是数据,已经由新的数据控件,无需编码的数据绑定和智能数据显示控件解决。 * 灵活性和扩展性:增强的ASP.NET体系结构支持更为广阔的Web应用程序。例如,现在所有的控件新增了对各种浏览器和设备的集成支持,使他们可以支持以前MMIT中的功能。许多ASP.NET功能同样是可扩展的,所以你可以很容易地加入自定义的功能到应用程序中。例如,asp.NET提供者模型为不同的数据源提供了可插拔的支持。 * 性能:预编译程序,可配置的缓存和SQL缓存失效等特征,允许你优化你Web应用程序的性能。 * 安全:现在比从前更简单的来增加鉴定和授权到你的Web应用程序中。 * 主机:asp,NET包含新的特征来让管理一个主机环境更容易,并且为主机创造了更多的机会来增加配置。 * 完整性: 新的和现有的特征配合一致,使你可以创建解决现实世界Web开发所面临的挑战的所有情景。 网站管理 网站配置得到改进包含更多设置,你可以很容易的使用Web管理工具对应用程序进行管理,Web管理工具提供了类似向导的接口用于设置和维护 附件2 外文原文 New Features of asp.NET 2.0 The Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 includes significant enhancements to ASP.NET in virtually all areas. ASP.NET has been improved to provide out-of-the-box support for the most common Web application situations. You will find that you can get Web sites and pages up and running more easily and with less code than ever before. At the same time, you can add custom features to asp.NET to accommodate your own requirements. Specific areas in which asp.NET has been improved are: * Productivity: You can easily and quickly create ASP.NET Web pages and applications using new asp.NET server controls and existing controls with new features. New areas such as membership, personalization, and themes provide system-level functionality that would normally require extensive developer coding. Core development scenarios, particularly data, have been addressed by new data controls, no-code binding, and smart data-display controls. * Flexibility and extensibility: The enhanced ASP.NET architecture supports a broader range of Web applications. For example, all controls now feature integrated support for browsers and devices so that they support the type of functionality previously available in the MMIT. Many ASP.NET features are also extensible so that you can easily incorporate custom features into applications. The asp.NET provider model, for example, provides pluggable support for different data sources. * Performance: Features such as precompilation, configurable caching and SQL cache invalidation allow you to optimize the performance of your Web applications. * Security: It is now easier than ever to add authentication and authorization to your Web applications. |