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附件1:外文资料翻译译文 远程教育系统 Alejandro G..Martinez,M.A.,Mexico City 本文的焦点是通过电子媒介进行远距离的学习。本文我希望谈到的有以下几点: ?1.远程课程的简要回顾; ?2.它为老师的发展提供电子教育和机会; ?3.远程教育对于老师的有利和不利的方面; ?4.以及研究在远程教育和老师教育之间的联系和区别。 计算机和互连网时代已经到来,我们的老师在惊奇的同时要意识到电脑时代给我们带来的教与学的改变。可能最佳的方式就是掌握住这种技术,这样远程教育就可以成为教学的一部分,同时提供给那些在这之前使用过和没有使用过这项技术的老师。远程教育可以给有经验和没有经验的老师提供一个很好的空间, 在本文中,我将远程教育定义为发生在两个宽广的领域中:正式的经常发生的以及不拘泥于形式的或偶然发生的。这两者的区别主要在它们的宗旨和时间的长短。 正式的 它由一些大学或教学机关提供,并且可以授予各种证书和学位。同时它可以是一些速成班或者是一些硕士和博士的项目。 非正式的 它由各种大学,出版社或者私人企业提供。总之,这种类型的教育是十分低廉的而且很容易和老师保持同步。追溯历史,远程教育是从函授教育发展而来。伴随着e-mail和互连网的出现,传输的媒介已经改变了,传输的方法和速度同样随之改变。 多媒体课程 这些是更为高级和复杂的课程,包括一些影音,印刷资料和各种电子出版物。 在线课程 附件2:外文原文(复印件) Distance Learning and Teacher Education by Alejandro G. Martinez, M.A., Mexico City The focus of this paper is on distance learning with an emphasis on long distance teacher education via electronic media. The points I'd like to touch on are: a brief review of long distance courses e-education and the opportunities it offers for teacher development the advantages and disadvantages of e-education as related to teacher development the implications this has for carrying out research in certain areas of e-education and teacher education. Computers and the Internet are here to stay, and teachers need to be aware of this lest we are taken by surprise by the imminent changes in the way we teach that computers are bound to bring. Probably the best way of getting to grips with technology and long distance education is to be a part of it, and teacher education offers a good range of possibilities for experienced and inexperienced teachers, for teachers who have used this technology before and for those who haven't. In this paper, I have divided the ways in which teacher education via long distance can take place in two broad areas: formal or institutional and informal or incidental. These two differ mainly in terms of the final objective and length. Formal It is generally provided by a university or a teaching institution and leads to some kind of certificate or degree. It can be a crash course or a longer Master's or PhD programme. Informal It is supplied by a wide range of universities, publishers and other private enterprises. In general, this type of education is |