来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK78608 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK78608

怎么样建立一个在线商店 这是三个部分中的第二段讲如何建立一个在线商店.如果你还没有看过第一部分,你最好把第一部分先看完再来看第二部分。在第一和第二部分中,我介绍了理论背景,知道网上商店如何工作的知识以及你建立一个网上商店你所必须的。在第三部分,我将带你用Dreamweaver MX 2004在ColdFusion中建立一个简单的电子商务网站。 商务逻辑,数据库设计,安全性和支付方式 在这个指南中,我将讨论一些那些一般网页设计者往往忽视的项目,最坏只不过吓吓他们。但是我们现在不是网站设计者,,我们是电子商务开发者! 注意:在这篇文章中,我将用ColdFusion连接服务器平台.尽管在怎么样去连接这个平台到那个平台上可能还有很多变化,但是原理是一样的。当然当对构建网站有影响时,我也会提及其他的不同的的平台。但是在绝大多数的文章里,例如第一部分和第二部分,我都将用我自己的服务器平台。 商务逻辑 这里真的没有一点难度理解商务逻辑在一个在线商店申请之后。它完全是一个易懂的基础。它就像一个网上店铺和收款机。你在上面展示你的商品,出售材料,让你的顾客明了他们的需要。更甚者棘手的只是在线商店应用后的适合反展中的商务逻辑和数据库。不但是现在,而且到未来还是一样的好. 现在最重要的事情是坐下来好好商量,制定出适合你你使用的商务逻辑,问问你自己或者你的客户下面的问题: * 谁将有权使用数据? * 是否有多种方式的存取? * 你将怎么样分类数据? 外文原文(复印件) How to Develop an Online Shopping Cart (Part Two) This is part two of a three-part series on shopping carts. If you haven't already been through part one, you should do so before reading part two. In parts one and two, I give you the background theory and knowledge to understand how shopping carts work and what you need to know to build one. In part three, I will take you through actually building a simple shopping cart in ColdFusion using Dreamweaver MX 2004. Business Logic, Database Design, Security and Payment Collection Options In this tutorial, I am going to be talking about a few subjects that tend to at least make the average web designers eyes glaze over, and at worst strike terror into their hearts. But WE are not AVERAGE web designers now are we? We are e-commerce developers! Note: Throughout this article, I will be using ColdFusion as the application server platform. Although there may be some variations on how to do things from platform to platform, the principles remain the same. I'll mention some of these differences as I go when they have a direct effect on structure, but for the most part, what I cover in parts one and two will apply to all application server platforms. Business Logic There's really nothing complicated about understanding the business logic behind a shopping cart application. It's all pretty basic. It's like a web store and cash register. You display your merchandise, sell stuff, and keep track of your customers and their orders. What is more involved is developing the business logic behind a cart application and then developing the database to fit, not only now, but into the future as well. The important thing is sitting down and mapping out the business logic you will use. Ask yourself or your client questions like: * Who will have access to the data? * Will there be multiple levels of access? * How will you categorize the data? * How will you display the merchandise? * How will the customers search for or browse for the merchandise? |