
数据库 1.为什么要使用数据库? 数据库(简称DB)是为了信息检索而建立的系统,是一个单位的文件的结合体。 通常的文件系统有三种缺点:数据依赖性、数据冗余和数据的不完整性。 由不同的应用程序建立的数据库文件互不兼容,不可能把它们联结起来。换句话说,数据依赖于应用程序。举例来说,某银行可能使用一种应用程序建立一个文件,用以保存客户的贷款信息。但用另一程序产生当前的账户数据。由于数据依赖于所用程序,贷款信息与账户数据不能在同一报告中联结起来。 当数据保存在一系列的文件中时,数据冗余是不可避免的,换句话说,同样的数据被重复保存—这种情况将一方面浪费宝贵的存储空间,而另一方面,当修改数据时,很可能产生不一致的数据,也就是说,保存在不同文件中的数据是不一致的。 还有,这种情况会导致这些数据的不完整性。假设你最近搬到另一住所,此后,你改动了你的现金卡,如果银行把现金卡、储蓄卡和贷款卡分别存放在不同的文件中,那么,你的储蓄卡和贷款卡中的地址仍是原有的地址,结果你收不到让你偿付购房贷款的通知书,你就不能偿付该贷款。 原文: Database Computers are powerful really because they are able to store, organize and retrieve great amounts of data. Procedures that perform such tasks are called database procedures. Dossiers of employees, inventory, archives, employees' information, accounting records, students' academic marks, etc. can be put into databases and then effective management can be possible. Therefore, database is one very important technique and a subject of computer science and technology. At present, there are various databases, for example, Foxpro, Access, Oracle, Sybase and SQL Server, etc. 1. Why Should Database Be Used? Database or Data Base (DB for short) is constructed for the purpose of information retrieval, is a combination of data files in a unit. Ordinary file system shows three demerits: data dependence, data redundancy and data incompleteness. Data files constructed by different applied procedures are not compatible with each other, and it is impossible to link them together. In other words, data are dependent on the applied procedures. For example, a bank may use an applied procedure to construct a file for keeping loan information of clients, but uses |