来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK78549 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK78549

中文翻译 JSP应用框架(中文4500字,英文2900字) 什么是应用框架: 框架(framework)是可重用的,半成品的应用程序,可以用来产生专门的定制程序。象人一样,软件应用的相似性比不同点要多。它们运行在相似的机器上,期望从相同的设备输入信息,输出到相同的显示设备,并且将数据存储到相同的硬盘设备。开发传统桌面应用的开发人员更习惯于那些可以涵盖应用开发同一性的工具包和开发环境。构架在这些公共基础上的应用框架可以为开发人员提供可以为他们的产品提供可重用服务的基础架构。 框架向开发人员提供一系列具有以下特征的骨架组件: 1.已经知道它们在其它程序上工作得很好; 2.它们随时可以在下一个项目中使用; 3.它们可以被组织的其它团队使用; 外文原文 JSP application frameworks What are application frameworks: A framework is a reusable,semi-complete application that can be specialized to produce custom applications[Johnson].Like people,software applications are more alike than they are different.They run on the same computers,expect input from the same devices,output to the same displays,and save data to the same hard disks.Developers working on conventional desktop applications are accustomed to toolkits and development environments that leverage the sameness between applications.Application frameworks build on this common ground to provide developers with a reusable structure that can serve as the foundation for their own products. A framework provides developers with a set of backbone components that have the following characteristics: 1.They are known to work well in other applications. 2.They are ready to use with the next project. 3.They can also be used by other teams in the organization. |