Struts——MVC 的一种开放源码实现
来源 资料编号:WK78548 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK78548

中文翻译 Struts——MVC 的一种开放源码实现(中文3800字,英文2700字) 本文介绍Struts,它是使用 Servlet 和 JavaServer Pages 技术的一种 Model-View-Controller 实现。Struts 可帮助您控制 Web 项目中的变化并提高专业化水平。尽管您可能永远不会用 Struts 实现一个系统,但您可以将其中的一些思想用于您以后的 Servlet 和 JSP 网页的实现中。 简介 小学生也可以在因特网上发布 HTML 网页。但是,小学生的网页和专业开发的网站有质的区别。网页设计人员(或者 HTML 开发人员)必须理解颜色、用户、生产流程、网页布局、浏览器兼容性、图像创建和 JavaScript 等等。设计漂亮的网站需要做大量的工作,大多数 Java 开发人员更注重创建优美的对象接口,而不是用户界面。JavaServer Pages (JSP) 技术为网页设计人员和 Java 开发人员提供了一种联系钮带。 外文原文 Struts——an open-source MVC implementation This article introduces Struts, a Model-View-Controller implementation that uses Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology. Struts can help you control change in your Web project and promote specialization. Even if you never implement a system with Struts, you may get some ideas for your future Servlets and JSP page implementation. Introduction Kids in grade school put HTML pages on the Internet. However, there is a monumental difference between a grade school page and a professionally developed Web site. The page designer (or HTML developer) must understand colors, the customer, product flow, page layout, browser compatibility, image creation, JavaScript, and more. Putting a great looking site together takes a lot of work, and most Java developers are more interested in creating a great looking object interface than a user interface. JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology provides the glue between the page designer and the Java developer. |