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Struts简介 Introduction of struts

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Struts简介 Introduction of struts(中文5700字,英文3900字)
1  探讨Struts
本章深入探讨Struts 框架,以及它能给你的应用开发所带来的诸多好处。我们相信,一旦你也能“随便谈谈”web 架构和设计,你就可以很好的在你的应用中使用Struts。为了能对Struts 架构有个充分的全面印象,我们将总体介绍Struts 的控制流和它处理请求响应事件循环的方式。只有彻底理解这个处理原理才能最好的在应用中使用这个框架。选择一个web 应用框架不应该是个漫不经心的决定。很多人都可以使用这本书,特别是用这章的内容,来评价Struts 是否适合它们的项目。因此,我们在这章的最后部分将有一个关于Struts 优缺点的客观评价,并阐明其总体性能。Struts 设计来针对专业开发人员。为做出正确的决策,专业人员应该知晓工具的能力和限制。

Introduction of struts   
1.    Talking the talk
This chapter explores the Struts framework in depth and highlights the benefits Struts can bring to your development efforts. We believe that once you can “talk the talk” of web architecture and design, you will be better equipped to use Struts with your own applications. With a sound overview of the Struts architecture in place, we outline the Struts control flow and the way it handles the request-response event cycle. A good understanding of this process makes it much easier to create applications that make the best use of the framework. Choosing a web application framework should not be a casual decision. Many people will use this book, and especially this chapter, as part of evaluating Struts for their project. Accordingly, we conclude this chapter with a candid look at the strengths and weaknesses of the Struts framework and address concerns regarding overall performance. Struts is designed for professional developers. To make informed decisions, professionals need to be aware of both a tool’s capabilities and its limitations.
