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1946 年2月15日,在美国宾夕法尼亚大学,世界上第一台电子计算器ENIAC正式投入了运行。在隆重的揭幕仪式上,ENIAC表演了它的〃绝招〃:在1秒钟内进行5000次加法运算;在1秒钟内进行500次乘法运算。这比当时最快的电器计算器的运算速度要抉1000多倍。全场起立欢呼,欢呼科学技术进入了一个新的历史发展时期。
1903年12月28日,冯.伊曼诞生于匈牙利的布达佩斯市。他从小就显示惊人的数学天赋,相传在6岁时就能心算8位数学除法,8岁时就掌握了微积分, 12岁时竟读懂了一部高深的数学著作《函数论》的大意!后来,冯.诺伊曼在〃匈牙利数学之父〃费叶尔的指导下,接受了严格的训练。18岁时,他与指导老师合作,在国外的杂志上发表了第一篇数学论文。
The history of the development of computer hardware
In the United States in February 15, 1946, University of Pennsylvania, the world's first electronic calculator ENIAC officially put into operation. The grand opening ceremony, ENIAC show its" unique skill": in a second5000addition operations; within one second of500 multiplication operations. This was the fastest electric calculator operation speed to1000 times. The audience stood up and cheered, cheer the science and technology has entered a new historical period of development.
However, technically speaking, ENIAC has not yet been officially running is almost out of date. Because in its formal operation before, a new electronic calculator design report, and in the history of the development of calculator tree had a new milepost! The design of the drafting of the report, twentieth Century is gifted master of mathematics, the Hungarian-American mathematician of von Neumann.
