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来源:wenku7.com  资料编号:WK711291 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK711291
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   作为一名将要成为职业程序员的学习者,也许应该认真评估一下Java在可以预见的一段时间里带给自己的影响. 在美国,起来越多的应用是基于Java开发的.Java在企业的应用中的日臻完美,打消了许多人对Java无法应用于大型企业级应用的顾虑.而在国内,Java也已如火如荼.据调查,在未来几年内,将会出现20万个Java程序员职位需求,也许这将超过其它任何一种程序员的需求.

Prospects of JAVA
Java is now the world 's most fashionable development tools, it has a huge and perfect library, built in other languages rely on Libraries and even operating system to support the function, has a virtual machine, in short, Java, does give the program has brought huge impact, perhaps now also not accurate assessment of Java for the IT industry impact, but there is one thing but there's no doubt that ---Java will inevitably influence the generation of programmers.

As a programmer learning to become the occupation, perhaps should carefully assess Java in the foreseeable period of time to bring their influence in the United States, more and more applications are developed based on the Java .Java in the enterprise application is getting more perfect, eliminates many of the Java cannot be applied to large enterprise application of concern. In China, Java also is like a raging fire . According to the survey, in the next few years, there will be200000 Java programmer needs, perhaps more than any other a programmer needs.
