摘 要
关键词:给水工程 泵站 水处理
This design is the design calculation of a county water treatment project. A town is located in the southern margin of the North Temperate Zone. It is a transitional zone from warm temperate zone to subtropical zone. It has a warm and humid monsoon climate. There is abundant rainfall in the territory, with an average precipitation of 949.9 mm over the years. The month with the highest average precipitation is July, which is 240 mm. The month with the lowest average precipitation is December, which is 15.1 mm.
The inland river network is dense and the water quantity is abundant. As the water source of urban water supply, the water quantity can meet the water supply demand. However, the water quality of most rivers in the region is of type III-IV, which needs to be treated to provide drinking water.
The water supply plant draws water from the river. The low water level of the river is - 2M and the water plant ground elevation is 0.00m. Three self-flowing pipes are used for water intake. Raw water enters the catchment basin from the intake head through the self-flowing pipes, and is transported from a pump house to various treatment facilities of the water plant. The first pump house adopts 8 pumps of model 500S-13, and 7 of them are equipped with one. Raw water and ferric chloride solution are mixed in the flocculation tank, which adopts horizontal axis mechanical stirring method. The mixed liquid enters the advection sedimentation tank, and the floc settles to the bottom of the tank and is discharged by the suction machine. The effluent of the sedimentation tank is evenly distributed to eight V-type filters. After filtration by the filters, it is disinfected by chlorination at the chlorination point set by the pipeline and enters the clean water tank. Two 600S-47 pumps and five 20SH-13 pumps are installed in the second pumping station, one spare. The water in the clear pool is pressurized by the second pumping station and transported to the municipal pipeline network at a pressure of 0.45 Mpa.
Keyword: Water supply engineering;pumping station;water treatment
本工程一期建成后,最高日产水量为30.0万m3/d。净水厂出厂水水质符合《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749-2006)的要求。净水厂出厂水水压0.45MPa。

目 录
给排水设计 Ⅰ
摘 要 Ⅱ
Abstract Ⅲ
摘 要 2
Abstract 3
目 录 4
设计说明书 1
第一章 项目概述 1
1.1 工程概况 1
1.2 设计依据 1
1.3 工程设计内容 1
第二章 方案比选 3
2.1 取水方案选择 3
2.2 混凝剂的选择 3
2.3 絮凝池的选择 3
2.3.1 隔板絮凝池 3
2.3.2 机械搅拌絮凝池 3
2.3.3 网格、栅条絮凝池 4
2.4 沉淀池的选取 4
2.4.1斜管(板)沉淀池 4
2.4.2 平流式沉淀池 4
2.4.3 辐流式沉淀池 4
2.5 滤池选择 4
2.5.1普通快滤池 4
2.5.2 虹吸滤池 4
2.5.3 无阀滤池 4
2.6 消毒 5
第三章 取水系统 6
3.1 取水量计算 6
3.2 取水泵房 6
第四章 混凝池 11
4.1 混凝池尺寸 11
4.2 搅拌器尺寸 11
4.3 叶轮转速与电机功率 11
4.4 溶液池与溶解池容积 13
第五章 沉淀池 14
5.1 沉淀池尺寸 14
5.2 孔口计算 14
5.3 集水系统 15
5.4 排泥 16
5.5 污泥浓缩池尺寸 18
第六章 滤池设计计算 19
6.1 过滤面积的计算 19
6.2 滤池尺寸 19
6.3 滤头个数 20
6.4 反冲洗管渠系统 20
6.5 气水分配渠的断面计算 22
6.6 滤池管渠布置 23
6.6.1 反冲洗管渠 23
6.6.2 进水管渠 23
6.6.3 宽顶堰 24
6.6.4 滤池配水渠 24
6.6.5 V型槽设计 24
6.6.6 冲洗水箱的计算 25
6.6.7 设备选型 25
第七章 消毒 32
第八章 清水池与二泵房 33
第九章 水厂附属构筑物 35
第十章 平面与高程布置 35
参考文献 37