This project is designed for the treatment of textile dyeing and finishing wastewater from a textile dyeing and finishing co., ltd. in southern Jiangsu province. the wastewater treatment scale is 5000 m3/d. the wastewater has the characteristics of high organic pollutant content, deep chromaticity, unstable pH, etc. the main pollutants are chromaticity, CODCr, SS, NH3-N, etc. the influent water quality is pH=9-10, chromaticity is 500-600 times, CODCr is 800-1200mg/L, SS is 200-600mg/L, TP is 5-7mg/L, NH3-N is in the range of 30-40 mg/l. According to the water quality situation, the scheme comparison and selection are carried out. Coagulation sedimentation and hydrolytic acidification pretreatment are adopted to pretreat some pollutants and improve the biodegradability of wastewater. Biological contact oxidation method is used as biological treatment. Ozone oxidation tank and biological aerated filter are used to further remove pollutants to ensure the effluent quality reaches the standard. After the above treatment, the removal rates of CODCr, NH3-N, SS and chromaticity are estimated to be 96.8%, 90%, 99% and 95.3%. Sludge is concentrated, dewatered and sent to landfill.
This design is strictly in accordance with relevant design specifications, conforms to relevant environmental protection policies, and complies with the concepts of cost saving and energy consumption reduction. It has good economic and social benefits.
Key Words:Textile dyeing and finishing wastewater;Engineering design;Hydrolysis acidification;biological contact oxidation process

第一章工程概况及工艺选择 1
1.1工程背景 1
1.1.1项目概况 1
1.1.2废水处理站地址 1
1.1.3纺织染整废水设计规模 1
1.1.4设计进水水质 1
1.2设计依据 1
1.2.1设计规范 1
1.2.2设计原则 2
1.3纺织染整废水处理技术方案的比选 2
1.3.1预处理 2
1.3.2生物处理工艺 2
1.3.3深度处理 3
1.4污泥处理工艺方案比选 4
1.4.1污泥浓缩 4
1.4.2污泥脱水 4
1.4.3污泥处置 4
1.4.4污泥处置工艺 5
1.5废水处理工艺流程 5
1.5.1纺织染整废水处理工艺 5
1.5.2污染物去除率估算 6
第二章废水处理系统工艺设计 7
2.1细格栅 7
2.1.1设计参数 7
2.1.2设计计算 7
2.2调节池 8
2.2.1设计参数 8
2.2.2设计计算 9
2.3絮凝沉淀池 9
2.3.1设计参数 10
2.3.2混凝池设计计算 10
2.3.4初沉池设计计算 12
2.4水解酸化池 13
2.4.1设计参数 13
2.4.2设计计算 13
2.5生物接触氧化池 15
2.5.1设计参数 15
2.5.2设计计算 16
2.6二沉池 16
2.6.1设计参数 17
2.6.2设计计算 17
2.7臭氧氧化池 19
2.7.1设计参数 19
2.7.2设计计算 19
2.8曝气生物滤池 20
2.8.1设计参数 20
2.8.2设计计算 20
2.9反冲洗水池 23
2.9.1设计计算 23
第三章污泥处理系统工艺设计 24
3.1污泥储池 24
3.1.设计参数 24
3.1.2设计计算 24
3.2污泥浓缩池 24
3.2.1设计参数 24
3.2.3设计计算 25
3.3污泥脱水机房 26
3.3.1设计参数 26
3.3.1设计计算 26
3.3.3设备选型 26
第四章纺织染整废水处理厂总图布置 27
4.1主要构筑物和建筑物的尺寸 27
4.2高程水力计算 27
第五章工程概算 31
5.1工程投资概预算 31
5.2设备费用及其他费用 33
参考文献 34