This design is a comprehensive office building water supply and drainage design, through a variety of options, according to the actual situation, considering energy conservation and environmental protection conditions, to determine the domestic water supply, fire water supply. Rain, sewage and drainage schemes. The domestic water supply USES the frequency conversion pump partition water supply, makes full use of the municipal pipe network surplus pressure, saves the energy; Fire fighting and water supply fully consider the needs of indoor and outdoor fire hydrant system and automatic sprinkler system, set up a separate fire pool, choose reasonable water pump adapter and high pump box integration equipment, to ensure the reliability of fire fighting system; In terms of drainage, reasonable consideration should be given to the unique structure of the building to optimize the drainage scheme. According to the relevant professional specifications and atlas, determine the parameters of each part scientifically and reasonably, select reasonable equipment and pipes. Finally, I completed the design of all the water supply and drainage facilities inside and outside the building, completed a more detailed design calculation manual and a set of water supply and drainage construction drawings.
Key words: office building, energy conservation and environmental protection, domestic water supply, fire water supply, rain sewage drainage.

第一部分 设计说明 1
第一章 给水系统 1
1.1给水系统方案选择 1
1.2给水系统组成 3
1.3给水管道的布置与敷设 3
第二章 消防系统 4
2.1室内消火栓系统 4
2.2自动喷淋系统 6
第二部分 设计计算书 9
第一章 给水系统计算 9
1.1用水定额,用水量及生活水池 9
1.2给水方式 11
1.3设计秒流量计算 11
1.4给水系统水力计算 11
1.5水表的选择 16
1.6给水系统校核 18
1.7高区供水设备选型 19
第二章 室内消火栓系统计算 21
2.1消防水池 21
2.2屋顶消防水箱 22
2.3消火栓保护半径 23
2.4消火栓布置间距 24
2.5消火栓的确定 24
2.6消火栓的水力计算 24
2.7水泵接合器选定 28
2.8消火栓减压计算 28
第三章 自动喷水灭火系统计算 29
3.1自动喷淋灭火系统的基本参数 29
3.2管道与报警阀布置 29
3.3喷头的选用与布置 29
3.4喷头的布置间距 29
3.5系统的设计流量 30
3.6水力计算(作用面积法) 30
3.7增压及贮水设备 35
3.8水泵接合器 35
3.9喷淋减压孔板计算 35
第四章 室内排水系统计算 37
4.1排水体制及排水方式 37
4.2排水系统水力计算 37
4.3集水坑及提升泵计算选型 41
4.4化粪池 42
第五章 建筑雨水排水系统计算 44
5.1屋面雨水排水方式 44
5.2降雨强度 44
5.3汇水面积 44
5.4设计秒流量 44
5.5 雨水斗选用 46
5.6 溢流口排水量 46
5.7 立管选用 47
第六章 室外水景 48
致谢 51
参考文献 52