Design of Fire Water supply system in a Seven-story Commercial Square
In this paper, the fire water supply system of the commercial square is studied, and the fire hydrant system and self-spray system which are economical and feasible and in accordance with the relevant specifications are designed. Through the design of fire hydrant and self-sprinkler system, the fire water supply system is understood[1]. And solve the problems existing in the design process.
This paper mainly involves fire hydrant system and automatic sprinkler system in fire water supply system, in which the design of fire hydrant system includes[14] completing the specification parameters of indoor hydrant according to the design code and determining the calculation parameters by calculation. The research scope of automatic sprinkler system includes judging the nature of buildings and fire grade, selecting design parameters: spray intensity, action area, minimum water pressure and so on. Determine the form of sprinkler (vertical type; decorative type; side wall type) and protection area; arrange sprinkler; arrange riser, connecting pipe and pipe network. (1) hydraulic calculation; select spray pump; determine the volume and height of high water tank; Supercharging setting Prepare; determine the volume of the fire pool. (2) collate the design and calculation instructions, complete the selection of system equipment, components, pipes and other information data statistics. (3) draw the system diagram and plan.
Key words: hydrant: automatic sprinkler system: sprinkler layout: hydraulic calculation: flow indicator
本文针对一商业广场进行消防水系统设计,该建筑共有七层;总建筑高度为29m,每层建筑面积为4032 ㎡。另有一层地下层,面积为5810㎡。其中,一层到六层为商场,,地下层为车库以及设备用房,第七层作为设备层。

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1背景 1
1.2选题的目的 1
1.3选题的意义 1
1.4工程概况 1
第二章 消火栓系统 2
2.1.消火栓: 2
2.2 消火栓、水枪、水带的选型 5
2.3 确定消火栓的水枪充实水柱、设计喷嘴压力和水枪设计流量 7
2.4 确定室内消火栓系统的消防用水量 8
2.5 保护半径,消火栓布置间距 8
2.6 计算最不利点消火栓栓口处的水压 8
2.7 确定消防给水管网管径 9
2.8 计算最不利管路的水头损失 10
2.9 计算水泵扬程 11
2.10 增压稳压设备 12
2.11室外消火栓和水泵接合器 14
2.12消防水箱和消防水池 14
第三章 自动喷水灭火系统设计 15
3.1 火灾危险等级划分 15
3.2 系统分类及适用范围 16
3.3 喷头布置的一般规定 19
3.4 喷头的布置 20
3.5报警阀组 22
3.6 管道的布置 23
3.7喷头和官网布置 24
3.8 水力计算 25
总 结 30
第四章 总结与展望 31
4.1总结 31
4.2展望 32
参考文献 32
致谢 34