This design is for the 16-floors high-rise buildings in Lanzhou, which has total area of 2.8 hectares, construction area of 10400 square meters and height of 68.600 meters. Equipment room and garage are in basement. The 16 floors above ground floor is the lobby, two to three restaurants, four to 16 layers of rooms, top floor with elevator machine room.
Water supply system of vertical is divided into three zones, the lower zone supplied by the municipal pipe network in the district, area supplied by the variable frequency pump. Central District downstream to the laying of water distribution horizontal main pipe laid in the technical dissection of the three-layer top, high area will adopt the uplink to the laying of water distribution horizontal main pipe located on the roof.
The building drainage system does not distinguish between wastewater and sewage,The drainage system of the building for the confluence of the system, and discharged into the outdoor pipe network using combined.
This building belongs to a class of public buildings, luxury hotels, building height greater than 50m. Indoor fire hydrant, water consumption is 40L/s, outdoor fire hydrant water consumption is 30L/s. Fire hydrant pipeline network needs into the ring.
The fire rating of the building's basement is class II and the remaining are class I. With two fire pumps, sprinkler system has three alarm valve -1 layer to Layer 2, Layer 3 to 4 layers, 5 layers to 10 layers and 11 layers to 16 layers, respectively. Sprinkler pipe network is in the ring before the alarm valve and after the valve into branching.
Keywords: building water supply system; construction of drainage systems; fire hydrant system; automatic sprinkler fire extinguishing system
1.1 设计内容
1.2 设计原始资料
1.2.1 建筑基本资料
1.2.2 市政基础资料
1.2.3 气象资料

摘要 I
目录 1
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 设计内容 1
1.2 设计原始资料 2
1.2.1 建筑基本资料 2
1.2.2 市政基础资料 2
1.2.3 气象资料 2
第2章 设计说明书 3
2.1 建筑给水系统 3
2.1.1 给水系统的竖向分区 3
2.1.2 给水系统的供水方案 4
2.1.3 地下室生活水箱容积 4
2.1.4 给水管道布置与安装 5
2.1.5 水表的选用与计算 6
2.1.6 生活加压泵的选用 7
2.2 建筑排水系统 8
2.2.1 排水方案 8
2.2.2 排水管道水力计算 8
2.2.3 管道的布置与敷设 9
2.2.4 排污泵选型 11
2.3 消火栓给水系统 11
2.3.1 消防给水系统技术参数 11
2.3.2 地下室消防水池 12
2.3.3 屋顶消防水箱(高位消防水箱) 12
2.3.4 消火栓箱 13
2.3.5 水泵接合器 13
2.3.6 消火栓管网 13
2.3.7 消火栓加压泵的选用 14
2.3.8 增压稳压设备 14
2.3.9 减压孔板 14
2.4 自动喷水灭火系统 15
2.4.1 消防水池、高位消防水箱 15
2.4.2 湿式报警阀 15
2.4.3 水流指示器 16
2.4.4 末端试水装置 16
2.4.5 喷头的选型与布置 16
2.4.6 自动喷水系统管网 17
2.4.7 屋顶增压稳压设备 17
2.4.8 自动喷水系统加压泵 17
2.4.9 减压阀 18
第3章 设计计算书 18
3.1 给水系统计算 18
表3.1-1 生活给水管道的水流速度表 19
3.1.1 低区给水管道水力计算 20
3.1.2 中区给水管道水力计算 21
3.1.3 高区给水管道水力计算 23
3.1.4 生活用水加压泵的扬程计算 24
3.1.5 低区生活用水压力核算 25
3.1.6 水表选型计算 26
3.1.7 用水量计算 27
3.1.8 地下室水箱选用 27
3.2 排水系统计算 28
3.2.1 低区排水水力计算 28
3.2.2 中高区排水水力计算 36
3.2.3 排污泵选型 38
3.3 消火栓给水系统计算 39
3.3.1 地下室消防水池 39
3.3.2 屋顶消防水箱(高位消防水箱) 40
3.3.3 消火栓栓口压力计算 40
3.3.4 消火栓管网水力计算 42
3.3.5 消火栓加压泵扬程计算 43
3.3.6 增压稳压设备计算 44
3.3.7 减压孔板计算 46
3.4 自动喷水灭火系统计算 47
3.4.1 地下层喷淋系统水力计算 48
3.4.2 一层喷淋系统水力计算 50
3.4.3 二层喷淋系统水力计算 52
3.4.4 三层喷淋系统水力计算 55
3.4.5 四至十六层喷淋系统水力计算 57
3.4.6 喷淋加压泵选型计算 60
3.4.6 增压稳压设备计算 61
3.4.7 减压阀计算 62
结束语 64
参考文献 65
致谢 66