摘 要
本设计的建筑为主体建筑为12层,给水排水工程设计应包括生活给水系统、消火栓给水系统、喷淋给水系统、排水系统。本设计学生公寓建筑高度接近40.3m,采用同一给水系统供水,底层管道中静水压力过大,根据建筑给排水设计规范GB50015-2003规定:“分区最低卫生器具配水点处的静水压,住宅,旅馆,医院宜卫生器具配水点处的静水压为300~350kPa;办公楼宜为350~450kPa。”为了充分利用市政管网水压,生活给水系统竖向分为两个区。地下一层至地上四层为低区,五至十四层为高区。低区市政直供,高区由变频泵供水。消防给水系统分为消火栓给水系统和自动喷淋灭火系统,本建筑为二类公共建筑,危险等级为中危Ⅰ级,总高度40.3m 。按《高层民用建筑胖或设计规范》室内消火栓用水流量和室外消火栓用水流量分别为20L/S和30L/S,自动喷淋系统在屋顶设增压设备。排水系统采用雨污分流制,排水系统采用特殊的伸顶通气单立管排水系统,通气帽高出屋顶2.00m。给水系统采用PP-R管,消火栓给水系统和喷淋灭火系统采用无缝镀锌钢管,排水系统立管采用PPL螺旋排水管,各层排水支管采用普通UPVC排水管。地下层设贮水池和加压泵房,地下室设集水坑,集水坑中设潜污泵,保证污水及时排除。
The design for the construction of the main building is 12 layers, water supply and drainage engineering design should include the life water supply system,fire hydrant system, sprinkler water supply system, drainage system. Thedesign of student apartment building height is close to 40.3m, with the samewater supply system water supply, high hydrostatic pressure in the bottompipe, according to the building water supply and drainage design code GB50015-2003 stipulates: "the hydrostatic partition minimum sanitary warewater distribution point pressure, residential, hotel, hospital should hydrostaticsanitary appliances water distribution point pressure is 300~350kPa the officeshould be 350~450kPa." In order to make full use of the municipal pipe network pressure, vertical life water system is divided into two zones. The ground floor to the ground four layer for low area, five to fourteen layers for high. Low district municipal direct supply, high by frequency conversion pump water supply. Fire water supply system is divided into fire hydrant system and automatic sprinkler system, the construction of two types of public buildings,risk rating for the intermediate grade, total height 40.3m. According to the"code for design of tall buildings" fat or indoor fire hydrant outdoor fire hydrantwater flow and water flow are respectively 20L/S and 30L/S, automatic sprinkler system, a pressurizing equipment on the roof. Drainage system with rain and sewage diversion system, drainage system adopts the special single riser drainage roof ventilation system, ventilation cap above the roof 2.00m.Water supply system adopts PP-R pipe, fire hydrant system and sprinkler system adopts the seamless galvanized steel pipe, drainage riser with PPLspiral drainage pipe, the drainage pipe by ordinary UPVC drainage pipe.Underground layer is provided with a storage tank and the pressure pump,underground chamber with sump, sump is arranged in the submersible sewage pump sewage, ensure timely.
Keywords: construction, water supply, fire protection, spray, drainage
1.1 工程概况
市政自来水压力约为: 0.25MPa。
1.2 设计依据

摘要 ……………………………………………………………………………………………1
第一章 设计任务书 3
1.1 工程概况 3
1.2 设计依据 3
1.3 设计内容 3
1.4 完成的工作量 3
1.5设计进度计划 4
第二章 设计说明书 5
2.1室内生活冷水给水系统 5
2.1.1给水系统的选择 5
2.1.2系统的组成 6
2.1.3给水系统管道布置及附件 6
2.2消火栓系统 7
2.2.1 消火栓系统选择 7
2.2.2消火栓系统组成: 8
2.2.3消火栓系统管道安装: 8
2.2.4室外消火栓的布置 8
2.3 自动喷淋系统 8
2.3.1 室内自动喷水灭火系统的选择 8
2.3.2系统组成 9
2.3.3自动喷淋的安装 9
2.4 排水系统 10
2.4.1排水系统选择 10
2.4.2 系统组成 10
2.4.3排水管道安装要求 10
第三章 建筑给排水设计与计算 11
3.1室内冷水系统分区及计算 11
3.1.1用水量的计算 11
3.1.2分区 11
3.1.3生活水池计算 11
3.1.4给水管网水力计算 11
3.2 消火栓系统计算 18
3.2.1消火栓布置 18
3.2.2消火栓口所需的水压 19
3.2.3水力计算;选消防水泵 20
3.2.4 校核 最不利点消火栓 21
3.2.5水泵接合器 21
3.2.6 消防水池 22
3.2.7 减压孔板及减压阀计算 22
3.3 自动喷水灭火系统的计算 23
3.3.1设计基本数据 23
3.3.2管道与报警阀布置 23
3.3.3 自喷系统水力计算 24
3.3.4 喷淋泵选型 26
3.3.5 水泵接合器 26
3.4排水管网计算 26
3.4.1计算公式及参数 26
3.4.2 排水横支管计算 27
3.4.3 排水立管计算 30
主要参考书目 33