关键词:空气调节 冷热源
HVAC Design of B1B2 Building in Huai'an Financial Center Business District
The project is located in the west block of Huai'an Financial Center Central Business District, in which the total construction area of B1 and B2 buildings is 32433.3 square meters, and the air-conditioned area is about 26600 square meters. Ten floors on the ground.The project needs to carry out HVAC design for the functional areas and rooms of B1 and B2 buildings.
According to the requirements of the relevant design codes, the air conditioning of civil buildings is carried out in this design on the basis of the original plan .The cold load is calculated by engineering simplification method of harmonic reaction method, while the heat load is calculated by the index method.22 districts, including office lobby and staff restaurant, use full air return system, small office, conference room and other 11 districts using fan coil with fresh air system.The air conditioning water system adoptsa pump flow of the closed system, horizontal same program, primary pump,variable flow system at load side with constant flow on chiller side. The water system shares a set of pipelines in winter and summer, two water-cooled centrifugal chillers are used for cooling in summer, and gas-fired hot water boilers are used for heating in winter, and hydraulic calculation is carried out to ensure the smooth and normal operation of the system.
Key words:air conditioning cold and heat source

第一章 工程概况 1
1.1 建筑概况 1
1.2 建筑资料 1
1.3气象参数 3
第二章 负荷计算 5
2.1 冷负荷计算 5
2.2热负荷计算 13
第三章 空调系统方案的确定 15
3.1 空调系统的划分 15
第四章 空调房间风量、冷量计算及设备选型 19
4.1 空调房间新风量的确定 19
4.2 全空气一次回风系统风量、冷量计算 19
4.3 风机盘管加新风系统风量、冷量计算 20
4.4 计算结果 22
4.5 机组选型 23
第五章 气流组织计算 27
5.1风机盘管贴附射流计算 27
5.2 散流器平送计算 28
第六章 空调风系统设计计算 29
6.1 风管形式的选取 29
6.2 空调风系统水力计算 29
第七章 冷热源系统设计 33
7.1 冷热源方案的确定 33
7.2 冷水机组及锅炉选型 33
第八章 空调水系统设计 35
8.1 水系统形式与管材选取 35
8.2 冷冻水系统 35
8.3 冷却水系统 39
8.4管路附件 44
8.5冷凝水管设计 45
第九章 热源系统设计 47
9.1 供燃气管道 47
9.2 热水循环系统 48
9.3机房布置 52
参考文献 53