关键词:全空气系统 风机盘管加新风系统 螺杆式冷水机组。
This works for a real estate company in Changsha built a multifunctional comprehensive building, 12 layers on the ground, underground layer, building height 28m, construction area of 7311+9 * 1113=17328m2 and basement for equipment with real, 1 ~ 2 layer is a shopping mall, three layer for the kitchen, dining room, 4 ~ 12 layer is a layer of standard rooms. Design of ventilation and air conditioning system for the whole building. This design will provide a comfortable air conditioning system for the building. The skirt part of the lobby, restaurant, office adopts all air system and the rest of the room with fan coil plus fresh air semi centralized system, the office of the main building is also used semi centralized systems of fan coil unit plus fresh air, fresh air using centralized processing, each layer set a fresh room. Water system with a closed system with the program, selection of cold and heat sources of direct fired LiBr absorption chiller, set in the basement room, summer can be provide cold water, winter can provide hot water. The chilled water pump and the cooling water pump are both selected three units, and the water pump runs in parallel. The cooling tower is selected by the exchange type, which is arranged in a layer of outdoor. The cooling tower is set on the ground floor.
Key Words: all air condition system fan coil and fresh air system
the Direct-Fired Lithium Bromide Absorption Chiller

摘要 1
Abstract 2
第1章、工程概况 5
1.1建筑概况 5
1.2设计参数 5
1.2.1长沙市室外计算参数: 5
1.2.2室内设计参数 5
第2章、冷负荷计算 8
2.1外墙冷负荷 8
2.2外窗冷负荷 9
2.3内墙冷负荷 11
2.4人体显热冷负荷 11
2.5照明冷负荷 12
2.6设备冷负荷 13
2.7一层冷负荷汇总 15
第3章、热、湿负荷计算 16
3.1热负荷计算 16
3.2湿负荷计算 16
第4章、空调系统划分 19
第5章、送风量的确定 20
5.1全空气一次回风系统送风量及冷量计算 20
5.2风机盘管+新风系统送风量和冷量计算 21
第6章、设备选择 24
6.1 组合式空气调节机组 24
6.2风机盘管 24
6.3新风机组 25
第7章、气流组织的计算与校核 27
7.1、全空气系统气流组织校核 27
7.2、半集中系统气流组织校核 28
第8章、风系统设计计算 30
8.1风系统的设计计算步骤 30
8.2通风管道的材料与形式 30
8.3四层风系统水力计算 31
第9章、空调水系统设计 32
9.1水系统的确定 32
9.2水管的选择 32
9.3水管的水力计算 32
9.4冷凝水管的设计 33
第10章、冷热源及其他附件的选择 34
10.1冷热源的选择 34
10.2膨胀水箱的选择 34
10.3分、集水器的选择 35
10.4冷却塔的选择 35
10.5冷冻水泵的选择 36
10.6冷却水泵的选择 36
第11章、防排烟设计 37
第12章、空调管路系统的保温与防腐 40
12.1、保温材料的选择 40
参考文献 42