关键词:风机盘管加新风系统 小房间 水系统 冷水机组 供热 防排烟
Chengdu Haide building central air conditioning system design
The building is located in downtown Chengdu, ground floor, 10 on the ground floor, set of office, commercial, catering and entertainment for the multi-functional buildinga total construction area of about 24000 square meters.
The design of fan coil unit plus fresh air system design is mainly used in this design. One to five floors are small space, in order to meet the requirements of the specification, the use of fan coil plus fresh air system design. Water system adopts mechanical closed - pipe program system. Cold source selection of two sets of vortex type chiller and used in the form of refrigeration station is located in the underground room, the use of closed cross flow cooling tower, located in the roof.
Finally the design of bathroom ventilation, part of the room exhaust, staircase and vestibule of the smoke control and pipeline anticorrosion and thermal insulation and air conditioning system of noise reduction and vibration isolation and the systemenergy conservation measure also made some discussion.
Key words: fan coil unit plus fresh air system, water system, cooling water system, heating and smoke control
1.1 工程概况
1.2 设计参数
成都市夏季空调室外计算湿球温度为 26.4℃
成都市夏季空调日平均干球温度为 27.9℃
成都市冬季空调室外计算干球温度为 -1.2℃
冬季空调室外计算相对湿度为 84%
1.3 建筑资料
窗墙比0.5,传热系数小于2.7。属于甲类公共建筑,外墙传热系数小于0.5,屋面传热系数小于0.35,选择2号墙,传热系数0.73 ,衰减0.21,延迟14.6h。窗玻璃遮挡系数Cs=0.88,为Low-E中空间隔6mm玻璃。
1.4 确定房间类型

摘要 2
第1章 空调设计基本资料 7
1.1 工程概况 7
1.2 设计参数 7
1.3 建筑资料 7
1.4 确定房间类型 7
1.5 确定空调负荷的计算时间 7
第2章 空调负荷计算 7
2.1冷负荷计算 7
2.2湿负荷的计算 11
第3章 空调系统方案的确定 16
3.1 冷热源机组的确定 16
3.2 空调系统的划分 17
第4章 空调机组选型 17
4.1 空调房间风量、冷量计算 17
4.2 末端设备选型 19
第5章 风系统设计计算 20
5.1 风系统设计概述 20
5.2 通风管道选择 20
5.3 风管水力计算 20
第6章 水系统设计计算 23
6.1空调水系统形式的确定 23
6.2 冷冻水系统水力计算 24
6.3 冷凝水系统管径选择 26
第7章 制冷机房设计 27
7.1 冷水机组的选择 27
7.2 水泵的选择 29
7.3 软化器的选型 33
7.4 膨胀水箱选择 33
7.5 集水器、分水器选择 33
7.6补水泵 34
7.7 水过滤器选择 35
7.8 电子水处理仪 35
7.9 阀门 36
第8章 保温与防腐 37
8.1 风管水管保温 37
8.2 水管风管防腐 38
第9章消声与隔震 39
9.1 噪声控制 39
9.2 振动控制 39
参考文献 42