来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK719409 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK719409
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Guangzhou Banking Regulatory Bureau ventilation and air conditioning graduation design
The building is located in the office building of the Banking Regulatory Bureau of Guangzhou. The building is located in the urban area of Guangzhou, on the basement level and on the sixth floor. It is a high-rise office complex with office and conference rooms and a small amount of catering. 5 meters, the total construction area is about 10,000 square meters, this building is a high-rise building.
The design load calculation is based on the unsteady cold load calculation method. The construction work time is from 7:00 to 20:00, and the exterior of the building is a full glass curtain wall. Since the construction area belongs to the hot summer and warm winter area, the inner and outer shading is selected according to the specifications. The device adopts different air treatment modes according to different room functions, the fan coil + fresh air system is used in the office and the conference room, and the full air system is adopted in the data room, which can realize flexible control.
The design selects the air source heat pump system by calculating the load condition and the layout of the building and comparing the technology. The unit selects the air-cooled chiller and installs the unit above the roof of the building. Select the relevant equipment model, duct size, water pipe diameter and verify whether the selected new fan group meets its own residual pressure requirements through hydraulic calculation to ensure the normal operation of the entire system.
Keywords: air treatment fresh air + fan coil air-cooled chiller hydraulic calculation
围护结构部位 传热系数K
W/(㎡•K) 太阳得热系数SHGC
屋面 围护结构热惰性指标D≤2.5 ≤0.50 -
围护结构热惰性指标D>2.5 ≤0.80
(包括非透光幕墙) 围护结构热惰性指标D≤2.5 ≤0.80 -
围护结构热惰性指标D>2.5 ≤1.5
底面接触室外空气的架空或外挑楼板 ≤1.5 -
(包括透光幕墙) 窗墙面积比≤0.20 ≤5.2 ≤5.2/-
0.20<窗墙面积比≤0.30 ≤4.0 ≤0.44/0.52
0.30<窗墙面积比≤0.40 ≤3.0 ≤0.35/0.44
0.40<窗墙面积比≤0.50 ≤2.7 ≤0.35/0.40
0.50<窗墙面积比≤0.60 ≤2.5 ≤0.26/0.35
0.60<窗墙面积比≤0.70 ≤2.5 ≤0.24/0.30
0.70<窗墙面积比≤0.80 ≤2.5 ≤0.22/0.26
窗墙面积比>0.80 ≤2.0 ≤0.18/0.26
屋顶透明部分(屋顶透明部分面积≤20%) ≤2.60 ≤0.30

摘要 I
Abstract II
一、 工程概况 1
1.1建筑资料 1
1.2围护结构参数的选择 1
1.3防火分区 4
1.4负荷预估 5
1.5机房面积 5
1.6设计参数 5
1.7室内参数 6
二、负荷计算 7
2.1冷负荷的计算 7
2.2冷负荷计算举例说明 11
三、空调处理方案 22
3.1空调系统的划分 22
3.2新风量 22
3.3中心数据机房的空气处理 23
3.4办公室空气处理方案 25
3.5设备选型 26
3.6气流组织的计算 27
四、方案选型 28
4.1冷源 28
4.2方案的确定 32
4.3风冷式冷水机组的选型 33
五、水力计算 34
5.1水力计算的基本资料 34
5.2水系统水力计算步骤 35
5.3冷凝水管的计算 36
5.4风管水力计算示例 37
5.5水管水力计算示例 41
5.6循环水泵的选择 48
六、水系统的附件、设备及配管 49
6.1分集水器的主供水直径 49
6.2分水器长度计算 49
6.3集水器的选择 49
6.4膨胀水箱 50
6.5补水泵的选择 51
七、地下车库通风、排风以及排烟设计 52
7.1通风系统的设计 52
7.2排风系统的设计 54
八、设备消声、防腐与管道保温 56
8.1设备消声与隔音设计 56
8.2 保温设计 57
8.3防腐设计 58
8.4自我小结 58
九、参考资料 59