集装箱轨道场桥能耗与状态监测的 大数据分析方案设计(含CAD图)(任务书,开题报告,论文说明书35000字,CAD图纸8张)
With the increasingly intensified energy crisis and rising labor costs of workers, energy consumption plays an important role for port enterprises, both in terms of national energy consumption policies and their own operating costs. For ports with huge energy consumption, the amount of energy consumption has a very important impact on the core competitiveness of a port enterprise. At present, in terms of energy saving and environmental protection, port enterprises often adopt alternative energy technologies to achieve energy saving effect, but they ignore the energy consumption characteristics of the crane itself, which will inevitably lead to the bottleneck of energy saving in the port. Therefore, according to the needs of the port that is commonly used in this dissertation through to the port rail bridge is studied, monitoring the operation state of the data and related analysis, understand the characteristics and the relationship between energy consumption and the factors affecting energy consumption, and combining with data mining technology, puts forward a set of track field bridge design scheme of monitoring and analysis system of energy consumption, energy efficiency, reduce the cost of the port enterprise has a certain significance.
In this dissertation, the track field bridge as the research object, developed a set of energy consumption monitoring and analysis system, and put forward the data mining technology used in the track field bridge energy consumption monitoring data relationship in-depth analysis, and the analysis results will be presented to the user. The details are as follows:
Firstly, the overall structure of the track field bridge is designed, and the drawings are drawn, and the conventional load, overall stability and wheel pressure are calculated.
Secondly, through the structural characteristics and energy consumption characteristics of the track field bridge, it provides a scheme for the acquisition of energy consumption data of the track field bridge, including the design of the data acquisition system and the sensor layout design.
Finally, the energy consumption data analysis module is designed based on the data acquisition system and the actual demand of the port. At the same time, combined with the data mining technology, this paper puts forward the scheme of applying it to the actual data analysis of the port.
Key words:Energy consumption; Data mining; Track bridge; Design; Container terminal.

第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题的背景及意义 1
1.2轨道场桥能耗的国内外研究现状 2
1.3大数据处理技术的国内外研究现状 3
1.4设计内容与研究问题 3
1.4.1设计内容 3
1.4.2研究问题 3
第二章 集装箱堆场轨道场桥的总体设计 4
2.1设计参数 4
2.2主要工作机构和金属结构形式的确定 5
2.2.1确定主要工作机构形式 5
2.2.2金属结构的选型 9
2.3载荷的计算 9
2.3.1坐标系的建立 9
2.3.2自重载荷 10
2.3.3起升载荷 10
2.3.4动力载荷 11
2.3.5风载荷 13
2.4轮压计算 15
2.5起重机整机的稳定性计算 20
2.6功率计算 21
2.6.1起升机构的功率计算 21
2.6.2大、小车运行机构的功率计算 22
2.7经济性评价分析 24
2.7.1外形尺寸分析 24
2.7.2成本分析 24
2.7.3工作效率分析 25
2.7.4转场分析 26
2.7.5安全环保性分析 26
2.7.6经济分析结论 26
2.8本章小结 26
第三章 数据监测系统的需求分析及设计 27
3.1轨道场桥监测系统的需求分析 27
3.1.1能耗特性分析 27
3.1.2影响因素的分析 28
3.1.3需求分析 31
3.2能耗监测系统方案设计 32
3.2.1能耗数据采集系统总体设计 32
3.2.2系统的全局设计 42
3.3本章小结 43
第四章 轨道场桥能耗数据分析系统方案设计 44
4.1总体需求与系统架构 44
4.1.1系统组成部分 45
4.1.2系统的分析内容 48
4.1.3系统的架构组织 49
4.1.4系统的分析功能(相关、预测、分类) 50
4.2常规分析方法 51
4.3能耗数据深度挖掘方法 53
4.4本章小结 60
第五章总结与展望 61
5.1总结 61
5.2展望 61
参考文献 63
附录 64
附录A轨道场桥总体设计图 64
致谢 65