摘 要
In The design section of this graduation project is the fifth section of the right-wing Qianqi-Fengzhen Highway from Chahar. This section is mainly used as Inner Mongolia local highway, serving the local traffic and assuming the function of distribution. The calculation instructions give the calculation instructions, some data results, drawings and charts as a comparative reference.
This design is advanced in the demonstration of road technical standards, determine the value of various basic design parameters, and then carry out route design, and select the best scheme as the basis of design through scheme comparison. In the process of horizontal, vertical and horizontal design, it is mainly assisted by latitude and latitude design software to complete calculation and output charts, and at the same time, it is assisted by confirmation steps of design parameters and calculation steps of some formulas. In the design process of roadbed and pavement, the retaining wall has a large proportion of design. The software of straightening and pavement design is used, but the formula is also used for manual calculation, and the computer and manual calculation are compared and analyzed. At the end of the design, the principle of drainage design and related facilities and sizes required for design are introduced
Key Words:Graduation Design; Secondary Highway; Horizontal Curve; Vertical Curve; Cross Section; Subgrade; Retaining Wall; Pavement; Drainage; Culvert
1.2.1 地理位置及功能
1.2.3 区域地质条件
直线路段过长,驾驶者长期处于单调的视野环境会觉得有一定程度的不适,所以一般控制直线段最大长度不超过20v。本次设计为696.160m满足二级公路v=60km/h 。

第1章绪论 6
1.1 概论 6
1.2 设计基本资料 6
1.2.1 地理位置及功能 6
1.2.2 地形地貌及植被 6
1.2.3 区域地质条件 6
1.3 道路技术标准论证 6
1.3.1 道路类型及等级论证 6
1.3.2 道路技术标准和规范 7
第2章路线设计 8
2.1 平面设计步骤 8
2.2路线方案拟定 8
2.3影响路线方案选择的主要因素 8
2.4路线方案选择的方法 9
2.5具体路段分析 10
2.6路线方案的比选 14
第3章路线平面设计 16
3.1 设计说明 16
3.1.1 直线 16
3.1.2 圆曲线 16
3.1.3 缓和曲线 17
3.2 平曲线要素计算 17
3.2.1 计算交点距离 17
3.3.2 计算象限角 18
3.3.3 转角计算 19
3.3.4 缓和曲线要素计算 19
第4章纵断面设计 21
4.1纵断面设计标准 21
4.2纵坡设计说明 21
4.2.1 最大纵坡 21
4.2.2最小纵坡 21
4.2.3 最小坡长 21
4.2.4 最大坡长 22
4.2.5 竖曲线设计限制条件 22
4.2.6 竖曲线设计步骤 22
4.3竖曲线要素计算 23
第5章路基横断面设计 25
5.1路线横断面组成及形式 25
5.2路基横断面设计 25
5.2.1 设计要求 25
5.2.2 路基标准横断面 26
5.2.3 横断面设计方法 26
5.2.4 路基设计表 26
5.2.5 路基土石方数量的计算与调配 26
5.2.6 路基设计相关条件 27
5.3 路基防护设计 28
5.4 挡土墙设计 28
6章路面设计 34
6.1路面方案 34
6.1.1 路面形式选择 34
6.1.2 交通分析 34
6.2 路面方案一 36
6.3 路面方案二 37
6.4 路面方案比选 39
7章道路排水设计 41
7.1路基排水设计 41
7.1.1 地面排水措施 41
7.1.2 地下排水措施 42
7.2路面排水设计 42
第8章桥涵设计 43
8.1涵洞设计 43
8.1.1涵洞的布置位置 43
8.1.2涵洞的结构类型及尺寸 43
8.1.3涵洞的设计原则 44
参考文献 45
致谢 46