来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK719482 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK719482
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路线设计使用道路设计软件--纬地来进行设计,路面设计使用公路路面设计程序系统(Highway Pavement Design System,简称HPDS)辅助设计。
Construction Design of Section 231B of Grade 1 Highway
The design of the project is a provincial highway level 231B section of construction engineering design. The design of the project is K5 + 100.00-K10 + 200.00 section, the design content includes route line design, roadbed, drainage system and along the main supporting facilities design. The route is designed according to the standard of highway level in plain area. The design speed is 80 km / h and the design life is 15 years. The width of the roadbed is 24.5m, the two-way four-lane, including two flat curves, the radius is 1000m, the length of the curve is 80m; 8 vertical curve. The ditch is in the form of a rectangle and is set to a height of 8% by means of a rotation around the central dividing edge. Design process, the use of Wei version 7.0 version of the road design software for route design.
The road design uses the road design software - weft to design, the road design using the road pavement design system (Highway Pavement Design System, referred to as HPDS) auxiliary design.
Key words: route design; roadbed design; pavement design

目 录
第一章 概述 - 1 -
1.1地形地貌 - 1 -
1.2水文气候 - 1 -
1.3设计任务 - 1 -
1.4设计成果 - 2-
1.5本项目的背景及意义 - 2 -
第二章 路线设计 - 3-
2.1概述 - 3-
2.2平面设计 - 3-
2.2.1平面线形设计的基本原则 - 3 -
2.2.2路线平面线形设计 - 4 -
2.3纵断面设计 - 5 -
2.3.1纵断面设计内容 - 5 -
2.3.2纵断面设计原则 - 6-
2.3.3竖曲线设计要求 - 6 -
2.3.4竖曲线设计 - 7 -
2.4横断面设计 - 8 -
2.4.1横断面设计内容原则与步骤 - 8 -
2.4.2横断面几何尺寸 - 10 -
2.4.3路拱及超高 - 10 -
第三章 路基路面设计 - 11 -
3.1路基设计 - 11 -
3.1.1概述 - 11 -
3.1.2路基设计一般要求 - 12 -
3.1.3路基类型和构造 - 13 -
3.1.4路基填土与压实 - 13-
3.1.5路基基底处理及填料选择 - 14-
3.1.6路基取土与弃土 - 15 -
3.1.7土石方调配 - 15 -
3.1.8路基防护 - 15 -
3.2 路面设计 - 17 -
3.2.1路面结构的设计原则 - 17 -
3.2.2路面结构 - 17 -
3.2.3路面类型 - 18 -
3.2.4路面结构设计计算 - 18 -
第四章 排水设计 - 30-
4.1路基路面排水的目的和要求 - 30-
4.2设计依据 - 30 -
4.3路基路面排水的一般原则 - 30-
4.4路基排水设计 - 31 -
4.5路面排水设计 - 32 -
第五章 -桥位与路线关系浅析 - 33 -
5.1概述 - 33 -
5.2桥位选择的各项要求 - 33 -
5.2.1一般要求 - 33 -
5.2.2地质方面的要求 - 33 -
5.2.3水文和地形方面的要求 - 34 -
5.2.4航运方面的要求 - 34 -
5.3处理好路线与桥位的关系 - 35 -
结论 - 36-
致谢 - 37 -
参考文献 - 38 -