来源:wenku7.com 资料编号:WK719475 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK719475
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摘 要
关键词 二级公路 平面线形 路基路面
It mainly designed a second-class highway from Xiaosai Town to Yuqing County in Zunyi City in this paper.The part which need to design has its standards such as 3154.302 meters'length,speed of 60km/h and two lanes double-sided.
Before the design,I have made some preparations like analysis of the traffic volume,searching the technical standards,determining the level and collecting all kinds of parameters.While selecting the line on the drawing,I have made the comparison between two proposals to determine the better one. And then I made the design on the routes.It had to notice that the transition curves need set the superelevation.The longitudinal-section's design had four slope-changing points which were fulfill with a variety of requirements in the combination.After determining the compositions and various elements of transverse-section,I could finish the drawings.The disign of the roadbed were to determine the shape of the slope.The design of the pavement concludes types and structures.And the design of asphalt pavement mainly determined the materials and thicknesses of every structural layer.It need to conduct on the drainage's design to ensure the safty and smooth of the highway.
Not only understanding the steps of highway construction,but also I have exercised my ability to solve practical engineering problems.The most important,the progress of the design had played a role in steadying and using my professional knowledges.
Key words: second-class highway; horizontal alignment; subgrade-pavement

目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract i
1 初步设计概况 1
1.1基本设计资料 1
1.2工程建设的意义及必要性 1
1.3自然状况对工程设计与施工的影响 1
1.4设计原始数据及依据 3
2 路线设计 4
2.1道路技术等级确定 4
2.2道路技术标准的确定 9
2.3道路平面设计 10
3道路纵断面设计 14
3.1纵断面设计 14
3.2竖曲线设计 16
3.3平纵组合设计 19
4 道路横断面设计 23
4.1横断面设计 23
4.2路肩路拱设计 25
4.3平曲线加宽和超高 26
4.4土石方调配 27
5路基设计 30
5.1路基边坡和边沟 30
5.2一般路基设计 31
5.3路基的类型与构造 32
5.4路基的填土与压实 32
5.5路基防护 33
5.6路基施工要求和注意事项 34
6 路面结构设计 35
6.1路面类型及结构层组合 35
6.2路面结构组成设计 37
7排水设计 44
7.1排水设计概况 44
7.2排水设计类型 45
8工程量概算 48
8.1概算定义和作用 48
8.2概算费用组成 48
8.3沥青混凝土工程数量表 48
9结论 49
参考文献 50
致 谢 52
附 表