摘 要
本设计是唐山市兴达房地产公司综合办公楼设计,建筑面积为4136.6 m2 ,共六层,建筑高度为23.4m,整体是钢筋混凝土框架结构。包括建筑设计,结构设计两部分内容。 建筑设计是在总体规划的前提下,根据设计任务书的要求,综合考虑基地环境、使用功能、综合选型、施工、材料、建筑设备、建筑艺术及经济等。最终确定设计方案,画出建筑施工图。
关键词:钢筋混凝土框架结构 抗震设计 荷载代表值 内力组合 二次分配法
The Architectural and Structural Design of Xingda Real Estate Company Office Building of Tangshan City
The design is entitled Xingda Tangshan City real estate company L-type office building
structural design. The office of the total construction area is about 4136.6, a total of six layers, building height of 23.4m ,the overall framework of reinforced concrete structures . Includes 2 contents,which is constructing design and structural design. Floor area is 4136.6 m2, the total of six layers, building height of 23.4 m , the overall framework of reinforced concrete structures .The prerequisite of building design takes off in over all planning, is comprehensive according to the requirement of design assignment certificate to consider base environment , making hardworking can , comprehensive type selecting, construction, material, building equipment ,building artistic and economic etc.. Eventually, determine design scheme , draw building construction picture.
Structural design is the definite structural scheme on the foundation of building preliminary design; Select reasonable structural system; Then carry out structure to arrange, and preliminary estimation and definite structural component size and carry out structural calculation.
This scheme adopts the cast-in-place frame structure of reinforced concrete. After carrying out load calculation and component section estimation select one redistribution act , with the calculate of iterative method force, and for the most unfavourable live load with most the force in disadvantage analyse , so, match tendon calculation. Scheme basic form takes off independent foundation with column, stairs are the cast-in-place beam type stairs of reinforced concrete. Entire scheme design accords with design and structural requirement basically, have certain creativity and reasonability.
In a word, it is suitable, safe, economic , use convenience is the principle of design, two minutes have reasonable space and compact connection, primary and secondary distinct, make the comfortable degree of building space rise.
Key words: reinforced concrete frame structure seismic design representative load value internal force combination redistribution act

目录 21000字
引言 I
1工程概况 1
2结构布置及设计简图 1
2.1结构承重方案选择 1
2.2框架结构的计算简图 2
3截面初估 2
3.1 梁的截面 2
3.2 板厚 2
3.3 框架柱的截面尺寸 3
4荷载统计 4
4.1恒载统计 4
4.1.1屋面框架梁线荷载标准值 4
4.1.2楼面框架梁线荷载标准值 4
4.1.3屋面框架节点集中荷载标准值 5
4.2活载统计 7
4.2.1 屋面活载 7
4.2.2楼面活载 7
4.2.3作用在楼面框架节点集中荷载 7
4.2.4作用在首层楼面框架节点集中荷载 7
4.3风荷载计算 10
4.3.1风压标准值计算 10
4.3.2风载作用下的位移验算 10
4.4地震作用计算 12
4.4.1各层柱的自重如下表所示; 12
4.4.2各层墙体自重如下表所示: 12
4.4.3重力荷载代表值计算 12
4.4.4梁柱线刚度计算 13
4.4.5 各层横向侧移刚度计算 13
4.4.6计算框架自震周期 14
4.4.7水平地震作用计算 14
4.4.8横向框架抗震变形验算 15
5.1 恒载作用的内力计算 16
5.1.1求固端弯矩和最大弯矩 16
5.2活荷载下的弯矩 18
5.3应用二次分配法分别求活栽和恒载的结固端弯矩 20
5.5地震作用下的内力分析 31
5.6内力组合 37
5.6.1柱的内力组合 37
5.62梁的内力组合 43
5.7梁、柱的内力调整 46
5.7.1柱的内力调整 46
5.7.2梁端的内力调整 48
5.8柱的轴压比和剪跨比验算 49
6配筋计算 50
6.1柱的配筋计算 50
6.2梁的配筋计算 58
6.3楼板配筋验算 66
6.4楼梯的设计与计算配筋 68
6.4.1楼梯的设计 68
6.5基础的设计与配筋 75