摘 要
关键词:办公楼建筑 框架结构 结构设计 设计原理
The Architectal Design and Structural Design of the office building of Da Tang technological Limited company in Tang Shan
The paper mainly presents the design of an Office building.This scheme adopts the cast-in-place frame structure . There is four layer over the ground and one layer under the ground . Structure total height 18.3 meter and surfarce area 5165㎡, the floor space of ground floor is 1300㎡. According to the designing requirement , the earthquake intensity is 8 degrees to set up defences, the grade of antidetonation is 2 grade, considered aseismatic design in the design. Design project include architecture part、constructure part ,according to assignment book define every layer blueprline and plane arrange. The horizontal frame is bearing frame. Calculate and component section after estimating , choose one Pin frame calculate to load to go on design, consideration substanece include select frame column section measurement and thread rigidity ;calculate dead loads and live loads and seismic action produce roof beam extremity and column extremity bending moment ,shear and axle power;Frame interral force make up; Mate steel;Stairs mate steel and foundation mate steel calcucate .Frame be subject to power steel adoptⅢlevel and hoop steel adoptⅠlevel. The whole conceptual design accords with the design and structure demand basically, have certain creativity and rationality.
Through the design of floor construction, and drawing floor plan ,constructed profile and constructional drawing, I am familiar with the principle design of construction, and mastered the basic methods of computation of the construction design. at the same time, I have a deeper understanding of these several years’ profession learning and the foundation knowledge. as a result, My ability that analyzing and solving the actrual problems improved.
Key word: Office building ;architecture ;Frame structure ;Construction design; Design principle
2.1. 项目名称:
2.2. 建设地点:
表1 建筑地层一览表
序号 岩土分类 土层描述 土层深度(m) 厚度范围(m) 地基土承载力(KPa) 桩端阻力(KPa) 桩周摩擦力(KPa)
1 杂填土 由碎石、砖块、粘土等组成,松散 0.5 0.5
2 粉质粘土 黄褐色,湿,可塑 2.1 1.6 170 20
3 中、粗砂 黄褐色,石英、长石质,稍湿,中密 4.9 2.8 200 35
4 圆砾 黄褐色,石英、长石质,混粒结构,湿,中密 15 480 4100 60
全年主导风向:偏南风 夏季主导风向:东南风 冬季主导风向:北偏西风

目 录
1引言 1
2工程概况 2
2.1 项目名称: 2
2.2 建设地点: 2
2.3 工程概况: 2
2.4 设计资料: 2
2.4.1工程地质条件: 2
3 设计依据 4
4 结构布置简图 5
4.1 结构布置方案及结构选型 5
4.1.1 结构承重方案选择 5
4.1.2 主要构件选型及尺寸初步估算 5
4.2 主要构件选型 5
5 截面初估 6
5.1 梁截面尺寸估算 6
5.2柱截面尺寸估算 6
6 确定框架计算简图及刚度计算 6
7荷载标准值计算 9
7.1恒载标准值计算 9
7.1.1屋面 9
7.1.2各顶棚 9
7.1.3各层楼面 9
7.1.4梁自重 9
7.1.5柱自重 9
7.1.6墙体自重 9
7.2活载标准值 10
7.2.1屋面和楼面标准值 10
7.2.2 屋面雪荷载标准值 10
7.3水平地震作用计算 10
7.3.1重力荷载代表值的计算: 10
7.3.2横向框架的水平地震作用位移计算: 13
7.3.3 结构基本自振周期计算: 15
7.3.4横向水平地震作用计算 15
7.4风荷载统计 16
8 内力分析 18
8.1水平荷载作用下的受力分析: 18
8.1.1 横向框架在风荷载作用下的位移计算: 18
8.1.2 横向框架在风荷载作用下的内力计算: 18
8.1.2横向框架在水平地震作用下的内力计算 22
8.1.3梁端弯矩及剪力计算 23
8.1.4 绘制内力图 24
8.2 横向框架在竖向荷载下的内力分析 25
8.2.1竖向荷载作用下框架受荷总图 25
8.2.2 E轴纵向荷载计算 26
8.2.3 G轴柱与E轴柱纵向集中荷载计算与上相同 26
8.2.4 F轴柱竖向集中荷载计算: 26
8.2.5 1/E轴柱竖向集中荷载计算 27
9.内力组合 37
9.1竖向荷载作用下梁端弯矩和剪力调幅: 37
9.1.1 FG跨 37
9.1.2 EF跨: 38
9.2 地震作用下梁端弯矩调整: 38
9.2.1 FG跨 38
9.2.2 EF跨 39
9.3 风载作用下梁端弯矩调整: 39
9.3.1 FG跨 39
9.3.2 EF跨: 39
10 配筋计算 45
10.1 框架柱的截面设计: 45
10.1.1 内力调整: 45
10.1.2柱的截面设计: 46
10.1.3框架梁的截面设计 55
10.1.4楼盖的配筋计算 58
10.1.5 基础的计算 66
11 结论 79
谢辞 80
参考文献 81