本次毕业设计是淮安市开发区九龙大酒店设计,该建筑采用框架结构,安全等级为三级,设计使用年限为50年,柱下独立基础,考虑建筑造型的需要结构平面为“ L”形。长71.24米。
关键词 建筑设计, 结构设计
Title The Design of the Jiu Long Hotel Building
The building adopted frame structure ,the safety class of the building is three and
Design working life is 50 , individual spread foundation was used in the building . the
Structural plane is a “L” plane according to the need of architecture sculpt .
This design mainly includes the building design and structures design two parts. The building design requests to the usage of supermarket the natural condition, the building shape and the building art and indoor arrange etc. the everyone faces to carry on flat surface's arrange to organize with space..Combine appropriate resolve each one to use the function mutually interference, each problems such as conflict and the anti-earthquake etc.The everyone faces to carry on flat surface's arrange to organize with space.Combine appropriate resolve each one to use the function mutually interference, each problems such as conflict and the anti- earthquake etc. The structure design part according to request of the graduation design, include the structure to choose the type, structure arrange, the structure calculation, the construction diagram draw etc.
The end purpose of this time graduation design- strengthen the comprehension toward the basic concept﹑using the knowledge which we studyin four years.And it will do good for our future Work.
Keywords dormitory building building design structure design
Keywords building design, structure design
一. 编制依据:
二. 工程概况:
(1).用地概貌: 用地平整
(2).建筑等级: 三级
(3).设计使用年限: 建筑使用年限为50年
(4).抗震设防烈度: 7度
(5).结构类型: 框架
(6).建筑体型系数: 0.30
(7).防火等级: 二级
(8).屋面防水等级: 三级
三. 本工程应严格遵守国家颁发的建筑工程各类现行施工验收规范并按设计图纸及选用的标准图进行施工; 还应与结构,总图,水道,采暖通风, 电气等专业设计图纸密切配合.
四. 本说明书应与其它专业设计统一说明书配套使用.
五. 本工程标高以米为单位, 尺寸以毫米为单位.
六. 建筑物室内地面标高±0.000现场定,相当于绝对标高见详规图。
一. 墙身防潮层: 所有内外砖墙均在标高低于室内地坪-0.45米处铺满20厚1:2水泥砂浆, 并加相当于水泥重量5%的防水剂(该标高处有混凝土圈梁的除外)
二. 屋面雨水管及空调排水管:
三. 门窗装修及铁件:
(4). 外木门,木窗室外一侧做一底二度栗色磁漆,室内一侧做一底二度乳白色磁漆。
四. 玻璃五金:
五. 散水坡:
沿建筑物四周做600毫米宽散水坡,构造(自下而上): 素土夯实,60厚碎砖垫层粗砂填缝压实, 80厚C15混凝土随打随抹加浆压光。排水坡度3%--5%。 混凝土面层每隔30米做20毫米宽伸缩缝一条,散水坡与外墙之间设20毫米宽缝,缝内均灌热沥青砂。
六. 地面: (做法说明均为自上而下)
(1). 水泥砂浆地面:
