摘 要
本设计是根据《建筑结构荷载设计规范》(GB50009—2001)、《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011—2001)、《建筑地基基础设计规范》(GB50007-2002)、《混凝土结构设计规范》(GB50010—2002)、《建筑结构制图标准》( GB/T 50105-2001),并按毕业设计任务书的要求且基于AutoCAD、天正建筑、PKPM等专业软件完成的。设计内容包括建筑设计、结构设计两大部分。设计成果主要包括建筑方案的确定、建筑平面设计、建筑立面设计、结构平面布置及选型、框架结构的计算、基础和楼梯的计算,电脑绘制的建筑施工图、平法结构施工图、基础和楼梯施工详图等。按照结构计算过程及毕业设计文本格式要求编制了结构计算书。设计深度和广度达到了《毕业设计任务书》的要求。本设计建筑功能齐全,结构安全、合理,施工布置安排合理。
关键词: 建筑设计,结构设计,内力计算,配筋计算
This design was accomplished according to the "Load code for the design of building structures " (GB50010-2002), " Code for seismic design of building " (GB50101-2001), " Code for design of building foundation " (GB5007-2002) , " Code for design of concrete structures " (GB50009-2002) , “Standard for structural drawings”(GB/T 5105-2001), and in accordance with the requirement of the “book of design task”, and by means of use of the professional design software such as the AutoCAD2004,TC7.0、PKPM2005 etc. The contents of design include the design of architecture, structure and construction schedule. The main results of design contain the architectural program determined, the architectural plane design, the architectural elevation design, the structural layout selection, the artificial calculation of a frame structure and artificial calculation of a foundation and a stairs, the construction schedule formulated, design of constructional arrangement, the structural construction drawings done by hand for a frame and a foundation, the architectural construction drawings and the structural construction drawings and the detail drawings of construction and drawings of network plans of construction and the total plane drawing of constructional organization design by means of computer. the “calculation book” was drawn up according to the calculation process and the requirement of text format . The degree of depth and scope of design met the requirement of the “book of design task”. This building finished possesses completely architectural function, safe and reasonable structure. The scene arrangement and time schedule of construction is reasonable too.
Keywords: architectural design, structural design, Calculate of internal force , Calculate of reinforcements
1.1 工程名称
1.2 工程概况
1.3 工程地质情况
1.4 荷载
基本风压W0=0.30kN/m2;场地类别为Ⅱ类,结构正常使用环境类别为二(a),地面粗糙程度为C类,楼面活荷载(楼面、办公室为2.0kN/m2),上人屋面活载为2.0 kN/m2 。
1.5 抗震设防烈度
1.6 材料强度等级
《平面整体平法表示法》( 03G101—1)《抗震结构设计规范》 ( 03G101—1)
第2章 结构选型
2.1 结构体系选型
2.2 其它结构选型
(1) 屋面结构:采用现浇钢筋混凝土肋形屋盖,刚柔性相结合的屋面,板厚120mm。
(2) 楼面结构:全部采用现浇钢筋混凝土肋形楼盖,板厚120mm。
(3) 楼梯结构:采用钢筋混凝土现浇板式楼梯。
(4) 过梁:采用预制混凝土过梁。
(5) 基础梁:采用现浇钢筋混凝土基础梁。
(6) 基础:采用柱下独立基础。
(8) 天沟:采用现浇天沟。
