关键词 教学楼设计 , 框架结构 , 结构计算
Title The frame structure design of center rofessional-teaching building of the Su Qian
The design projection for graduation is the last practice teaching segment of study of our specialized courses. In this paper a select scheme in bid for the planning design of a middle school.
This design mainly includes the architectural design and structural design. The architectural design includes the plane fixed position drawing design, the plane drawing design and sign to face the design, section design. The structure design, the mission of the frame structural design mainly have: the type selection ,the size of beams、pillars、walls etc., the gravity load calculation, the calculation of internal force and lateral moving in the function of the horizontal force, lengthways earthquake function calculation, the internal force analysis of the crosswise frame in the function of the horizontal earthquakes, the internal force analysis of the crosswise frame in the function of the vertical load and also includes the dint combine、section design、foundation design. Foundation design also concludes footing layout selection, footing plane disposition, and foundation calculation.
Had seriously carried out the code of design :“fitting、safety、economical、beautiful outlook and the basic measure and procedure in the whole design of architecture and structure.
Keywords: teaching-building , Frame structure , structural calculation
2.2 工程设计依据
2.2.1 工程设计原始资料
(3)最大积雪厚度0.32m,基本雪压S0=0.4KN/㎡, 基本风压ω0=0.4KN/㎡,土壤最大冻结深度0.09m。
