摘 要
结构设计主要进行了结构方案中横向框架3轴框架的抗震设计。在确定框架布局之后,先进行了重力荷载代表值的计算,接着利用顶点位移法求出自振周期,进而按底部剪力法计算水平地震作用下大小,进而求出在水平荷载作用下的结构内力(弯矩、剪力、轴力)。接着计算竖向荷载(恒载及活荷载)作用下的结构内力。找出最不利的一组或几组内力组合。 选取最安全的结果计算配筋并绘图。此外还进行了结构方案中的室内楼梯的设计。完成了平台板,梯段板,平台梁等构件的内力和配筋计算。还进行了基础和楼板的设计。
The project is located in Tang Shan City using the framework structure, and its intensity of the seismic fortification is 8 degrees, .The building has the five-story , and each floor is 3.3 m height, with a total 18 meters high, with a total construction area of 3435 square meters.
The building construction design uses time limit as 50 yearses, the anti- shakes to establish to defend the strong an octave.
The inside repairs: The inside wall is to puts on the ash brush the coating with stick a brick; The ground is for spreading marble ground, floor as to spread the marble floor, a for put on the ash brush the coating.
House way of doing: The heat preservation layer is a styrene foam plastics plank, the waterproof layer is a high the thing of in SBS waterproof a material.
The building flat surface adopts the symmetry arranging, horizontal two side office, in the center aisle.Horizontal totally three across, two side 6 rices across, in the center 2.4 rices across.Lengthways totally seven across, the side acrosses 4.8 rice, across in the center 7.2 rice.An among those layers establishes hall, file room, receiver room, board room, telephone switchboard building, books reference room, stairs, hygiene;Two layer, three layer, four layers establish the office, board room, stairs, hygiene;Five layers establish the office, reporting the hall, hygiene, stairs.
The each layer establishes men and women hygiene an one for each, establish in the northern side, it is detailed to arrange to see the building diagram steps adoption plank type, establishing at lengthways and two across, lengthways symmetry arrange, open 3.6 rice, enter deep 7.2 rice, a fold etc. run type two run the stairs.Establish to kick high 150 millimeters of, step the breadth 300 millimeters of, the steps well is 200 millimeters of, according to calculation, each run 11 class step, the steps a breadth is 1700 millimeters.The window is divided into totally six kinds of, the door is four kinds of.
Have the request of the usage room flat surface design very much:The area, shape of the room wants the contented indoors the usage the activity with the size with the request that furniture, equipments reasonable arrange;Hasp size with position, should consider the discrepancy of the room the convenience, Disperse safety, adopt the light well ventilated;The composing of the room should make construction constructed to arrange the reasonable, the construction is convenient, the material wants to match the homologous building standard.Moreover, the size of the usage room area, primarily is from internal activity in room characteristics, usage number of how much, furniture equipments of how much the etc. factor decides, for transact the building, the common office uses area shouldn't smaller 3 m2s, single clean area in an office not proper and smaller 10 m2s, this transact the common office in floor opens as 3600 mms, enter deep for 6000 mms;The usage area of the medium-sized board room is proper to use area as for a board room for, this transacting floor a work for or soly, toilet distance farthest room shouldn't over and above 50 ms, arrange possibly in a side of the building, this transact the contented norm in design in floor request.
Main request that transportation contact part involve is: Transportation route Chien's is clear and definite, going through the convenience; The person flows lucid, the instancy Disperses quick safety; It is contented to adopt the well ventilated request in light certainly.Transact the clean breadth in least that construct the aisle be the aisle length over and above 40 ms, clean breadth in aisle in hour of a cloth building not smaller 1.8 ms.When the aisle ground has the high differing and high differ the shortage the second class marking time, cannot establish step, should establish the way of , its slope not very in 1/8.Establishes to the stairs should depend the outside wall, and should be directly natural to adopt the light with direct well ventilated, the each layer Disperses the total width of the stairs should according to each 100 people not smaller a minimum width for computing, Dispersing stairs not smaller 1.2 ms.For the exit shouldn't smaller two width for, each exits shouldn't the smaller an exit for, so this transacting floor establish to three minimum width for, exportings to 1.2 ms.
The design of the room section, want the certain municipal inside clean and high first.Then the floor ground inside the room arrives the distance between a or other a bottom.For transact the floor, the indoors of the office is clean and high cannot smaller 2.6 ms, establish the air condition can't be lower than 2.4 ms, the aisle is clean and high cannot lower than 2.1 ms, the storeroom is clean and high cannot lower than 2 ms.It is past to transact this the story high of the floor settles to establishes for a position for, for the sake of satisfying indoors adopting light with airiness, wanting window and high and low reasonables, in order not to a appears the hidden, on the window along stay possibly a little bit small till a distance for .The bottom of the window along then the high degree of the window sill is usually for 900 mms.
What architectural diagram reflect is to constructs the on all sides exterior image. designer is in economic term in usage that contented room nextly, application building shape with the some regulation of the composition, the internal space of the close and combinative flat surface, section combines what proceed.Design request toward the of the building: Can reflect to construct the function the request with the characteristic that construct the type; Want the combinative material function, construction the structure and start construction technical characteristics; Control to construct the standard with the homologous and economic index sign; Adapt to the base environment to arrange with the community that construct the programming; Match to construct the shape with the some regulation of the composition, such as the well balanced, metre, contrast, unify etc.;Attain to puts together the suitable for use, economy, beauty three organism a knot.
The architectural design is divided into three parts: the architectural design, structural design, construction organization design
Architectural design takes positive measures to enhance the strength and firmnessthe of the appearance of the building , giving a psychological sense of security. In addition, there must be the beauty of art and the characteristics of the times.
The general design thinking of the structure part :The two directions of main shaft in building structure difference consideration horizontal seismic role,the horizontal seismic role of each direction should fight side force structure completely by this direction to understake. With the approximation of frame structural calculation beg to take affact untie force. Beg to erect under load role force press without side move rigid frame use curved distance twice distribution law,beg horizontal earthquake to take affact under force press triangle distribution use D value method. The related principle that uses reinforced concrete finally carries out component to match tendon calulation and school nucleus.
The purpose of the design is to do the anti-seismic design in the longitudinal frames of axis 3. When the directions of the frames is determined, firstly the weight of each floor is calculated .Then the vibrate cycle is calculated by utilizing the peak-displacement method, then making the amount of the horizontal seismic force can be got by way of the bottom-shear force method. The seismic force can be assigned according to the shearing stiffness of the frames of the different axis. Then the internal force (bending moment, shearing force and axial force ) in the structure under the horizontal loads can be easily calculated. After the determination of the internal force under the dead and live loads, the combination of internal force can be made by using the Excel software, whose purpose is to find one or several sets of the most adverse internal force of the wall limbs and the coterminous girders, which will be the basis of protracting the reinforcing drawings of the components. The design of the stairs is also be approached by calculating the internal force and reinforcing such components as landing slab, step board and landing girder whose shop drawings are completed in the end.
Construction organization plan: The scientific basis sub-item project, the running water construction method, the reasonable arrangement executes the order, the attention security measure, makes every effort the economic efficiency.
The concrete design stage divides into ten steps:
The first step :Load statistics,including each layer permanent year and work to carry,each building layer gravity load representative of calculation worth.
The second step:rigidity calculation include the line rigidity of each beam and colume,colume fight the D value law calculation that side rigidity D analyses according to frame.
The third step:Frame from the calculation of the earthquake period.
The fourth step:the side of Checking computation is moved,includs top displacement between layer displacement.
The fifth step:Force calcultion get each colume end with on the contrary curved a litter method to bend distance and beam end curved distance and beam end cut force.
The sixth step:Erect to the force calculation in force role sill frame.With curved rules,distribute law twice,and bend rules amplitude modulation for beam end, the coefficient of amplitude modulation β take 0.8.
The seventh step:Synthesize to match tendon calculation.Face with horizontal seismic force with erect under force role difference beg make force carry out unfavorable combination,some groups of unfavorable combinations that basis gets again carries out frame beam respectively, column match tendon calculation, take the biggest value in which is last match tendon.
The eighth step:Use CAD software to draw one pin frame match tendon picture and floor match tendon picture as well as beam colume section match tendon picture.
The ninth step:Stairs design matches tendon according to the definite staris parameter in building design,for platform beam,platform board and the ladder section board of stairs to carry out calculation, and draw each place of stairs to match tendon picture
The tenth step:Basic design frist carries out foundation handling for the project geological condition given,is then arranged for foundation with section match tendon calculation.
specific design content and design course will make detailed explanation in text.
Key words:frame structure,structural analysis,anti-seismis design.
