This design mainly is do one frame the little key figures of the hotel of design.Design medium building design and the structure design all for design corpus.Include a basal design and check to calculate among them.
In the building design, the room layout reasonable.Greatly parts of South and North Dynasties to, keep ample sunshine.The space in the set install reasonable, the flat surface decoration explicit move with quiet, the differentiation of[with] public and private, the area utilization is higher.The nature is well ventilated smooth, the sign and region in Harbin City adopt light and adopt a warm request.
Completed the flat surface of the structure of a standard layer a decoration in the structure the design, complete building to cover of is analyze by dint, and install a reinforcing bar calculation.Adopted the layering method to carry on to a the typical model frame inside the dint analysis and the calculation, and synthesized to consider various factors to carry on to the beam,pillar to combine and install a reinforcing bar calculation inside the dint.
Adopt reinforced concrete to prepare to make a square stake in the foundation design, to single stake the loading dint and number carried on nicety of calculation, and carried on a design towards accepting set.Completed the foundation plane chart and stake and accept a pedestal to install reinforcing bar also etc. diagram paper.
Be the person of the flashing, I will certainly develop a flashing a person stubborn work hard of spirit, betterly the completion design, betterly orientation society, better is a social service, win glory for the flashing.
Keyword:The building design;the structure design;foundation design
建筑类型: 框架结构。
柱网与层高:本旅馆采用柱距为8.4m 的内廊式小柱网,边跨为8.55m,中间跨为2.4m,层高一层取3.9m,其他层取3.3m。
楼盖及屋盖均采用现浇钢筋混凝土结构,楼板厚度为100mm。主梁(纵横梁)截面高度按梁跨度的1/12-1/8估算;次梁按跨度的1/12-1/20估算。即此估算的梁截面尺寸见表2-1。并给出了各层梁、柱和板的混凝土强度等级。其设计强度: 。

目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
前 言 3
第1章 概论 4
1.1 概述 4
1.2 意义目的 4
第2章 工程概况 5
2.1 工程简介 5
第3章 重力荷载代表值计算 6
3.1 资料准备 6
第4章 框架侧移刚度的计算 8
4.1 框架基本资料 8
第5章 竖向荷载作用下框架结构的内力计算 10
5.1 计算单元的选择确定 10
5.2 荷载计算 10
5.2.1恒荷载作用下柱的内力计算 10
第6章 楼梯雨蓬等设计 36
6.1 楼梯 36
6.1.1楼梯斜板配筋 36
6.1.2楼梯梁配筋 36
6.1.3楼梯梁抗剪计算 37
6.1.3楼梯梁挠度计算 37
6.2 雨蓬 39
6.2.1雨蓬自重 39
6.2.2楼梯平板 39
6.2.3雨蓬配筋 39
6.3 楼盖设计 39
6.3.1设计资料 39
6.3.2荷载 40
第7章 梁柱截面设计 46
7.1 框架梁 46
7.1.1第一层AB跨框架梁 46
7.1.2第四层AB跨框架梁 48
7.1.3第十层AB跨框架梁 50
7.2 柱子设计 53
7.2.1一层柱(A) 53
7.2.2一层柱(B) 55
7.2.3六到十层柱(A) 57
第8章 基础计算 60
8.1 A柱 60
8.1.1地质条件 60
8.1.2确定桩数 60
8.1.3初选承台尺寸 60
8.1.4计算桩顶荷载 60
8.1.5承台冲切验算 61
8.1.6角桩向上冲切 61
8.1.7承台受剪计算 61
8.1.8承台受弯计算 61
8.1.9桩身配筋 61
8.2 B柱 61
8.2.1地质条件 62
8.2.2确定桩数 62
8.2.3初选承台尺寸 62
8.2.4计算桩顶荷载 62
8.2.5承台冲切验算 63
8.2.6角桩向上冲切 63
8.2.7承台受剪计算 63
8.2.8承台受弯计算 63
8.2.9桩身配筋 63
参考文献 64
后 记 65