本工程结构设计采用多层钢筋混凝土框架结构,基本步骤为:结构计算简图的确定;荷载计算;内力分析;内力组合;梁、柱截面配筋、板的设计、基础的设计以及结构施工图的绘制等。其中,内力计算只考虑恒荷载和活荷载;柱、板的设计采用弹性理论;梁的设计采用塑性理论;基础选用柱下独立基础。在进行截面设计时,遵循了强剪弱弯,强柱弱梁,强节点弱构件的设计原则,且满足构造要求,除对本框架进行手算外,还利用了PKPM 对本结构进行了电算。
Design of Office Building for TuoXin
The engineering is planned for a proposed office building for Tuoxin. which is divided into five stories. The building covers a total construction area of 4402.48 square meters and stands a ground elevation of 19.8 meters. The first storey includes the hall, reception room and spare room, while from the second storey to fifth storey are standard office. The building uses regular pillars net design, resulting in flexible combination and division for office space and a more economical scheme for the project .
The design of engineering structures using multi-storey reinforced concrete frame structure, the basic steps are: the determination of the structure of the calculation diagram; load calculation; internal force analysis; combination of internal forces; beams, reinforced concrete column cross section, board design, basic design and structural mapping, such as construction. Among them, the internal force calculation concerns the constant load and live load only. The column and board design use a flexible plate theory; beam design uses plastic theory; The basis uses column-under single foundation. Seismic design in cross section, follows the design principles of strong bent weak shear, weak beam strong column and strong node weak component, and meet the construction requirements meanwhile. Moreover, the structure computerization is shown by using PKPM.
From construction to the design of structure is a rather complete design process. Through design review and consolidation of the previous knowledge, the main courses are linked into a complete system and used in this design; The Graduation Project has trained me in the basic ability of independent design ,which lays down a solid foundation for the work after graduate.
Keywords: Frame Structure; Concrete; Architectural Design; Structure Design
(3)基本风压:W0=0.5 KN/m2,地面粗糙度为C类。

1 建筑设计说明 1
1.1设计依据 1
1.2设计构思 1
1.3工程概况 1
1.4设计资料 2
1.4.1工程地质条件 2
1.4.2气象资料 2
1.4.3抗震设防烈度 2
1.4.4材料 2
1.4.5建筑装修标准 2
2 结构设计 4
2.1结构平面布置 4
2.1.1结构方案的确定 4
2.1.2基础类型的确定 4
2.2结构构件截面尺寸确定 4
2.3 框架计算简图 6
2.4 荷载计算 8
2.4.1 屋面均布恒载 8
2.4.2 楼面均布恒载 8
2.4.3 活荷载 9
2.4.4 楼面均布活载 9
2.4.5 梁柱自重 9
2.4.6 墙体自重 11
2.5 水平地震力作用下框架侧移计算 13
2.5.1 横梁线刚度 13
2.5.2横向框架柱的侧移刚度D值 14
2.5.3 横向框架自振周期 15
2.5.4横向地震作用计算 16
2.5.5 横向框架抗震变形验算 17
2.6 水平地震作用下横向框架的内力分析 18
2.7 风荷载 21
2.7.1基本信息 21
2.7.2 横向框架在风荷载作用下的位移计算 23
2.7.3 风荷载作用下横向框架的内力分析 23
2.8竖向荷载作用下横向框架的内力分析 26
2.8.1 荷载计算 27
2.8.2 横向框架在恒荷载作用下的内力计算 32
2.8.3 横向框架在活荷载作用下的内力计算 41
3 内力组合 49
3.1 横向框架梁内力组合 49
3.2 框架梁弯矩调幅 49
3.3 框架梁内力组合 60
3.4 框架柱内力组合 64
4 梁柱截面设计及配筋计算 69
4.1设计信息 69
4.2正截面承载力计算 69
4.3 梁斜截面承载力计算 73
4.4 柱的配筋计算 76
4.5 框架柱正截面承载力计算 77
4.6 柱斜截面受剪计算 82
5 其他构件设计 83
5.1 板的配筋计算 83
5. 1.1板区划分 83
5.1.2 板配筋计算 84
5.2 楼梯设计 87
5.2.1楼梯设计资料 87
5.2.2楼梯梯段斜板设计 88
5. 2.3平台板设计 89
5.2.4平台梁设计 91
5. 3基础设计 92
5.3.1设计说明 92
5.3.2荷载计算 93
5.3.3地基承载力设计值的确定 93
5. 3.4边柱独立基础设计 93
5. 3.5中柱联合基础设计 96
6 PKPM电算结果 100
参考文献 112
致谢 113
附录 114