This design is designed for a senior middle school teaching building in Jinniu District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province. The main design content includes architectural design and structural design.
The teaching building is designed as cast-in-place reinforced concrete six-story frame structure, and the actual design area is about 7750m2, The architectural design includes the first floor plan, the second floor plan, the third floor plan ( the fourth floor plan, the five story plan are the same as the third), and the top floor plan. Roof drainage plan, building facade elevation , left elevation , back elevation , right elevation , staircase section view and related design. instructions and door windowtable.
The structural design includes frame design, reinforcement calculation of beam, slab and column, foundation reinforcement calculation and stair design. The content of the calculation book is to take a transverse frame, that is, 8-axis frame, to calculate the internal force of the structure under horizontal and vertical load, and to find outthe most unfavorable combination and calculate the reinforcement. Among them, the design involves the bottom shear method, the D value method, the secondary moment distribution method, the plastic hinge line method and so on. Strictly according to the relevant codes such as "Code for load of Building structures" GB50009-2012, "Code for Design ofconcrete structures" GB50010-2010, "Code for Seismic Design of buildings" GB50011-2010 and so on. In the process of calculation, the partial coefficient of the relevant load is also updated with the update of the code. At the end of this calculation book, the PKPM4.3.4 version software is used for modeling and calculation, and the results of manual calculation and computer.
calculation are compared and analyzed, and the construction drawing of the structure is obtained by using the software.
Keyword:frame structure; design drawing; load collection; internal force calculation

目 录
第一章绪论 1
1.1设计摘要 1
1.2设计依据: 1
1.3结构选型: 1
1.4地基与基础 1
第2章构件尺寸计算和基础埋深确定 3
2.1结构平面布置 3
2.2梁、板、柱截面尺寸 3
2.2.1梁尺寸: 3
2.2.2柱子尺寸: 3
2.2.3板截面尺寸 4
2.3基础埋深确定: 4
2.4框架计算简图: 5
第3章框架刚度计算 6
3.1梁柱线刚度计算: 6
3.2框架侧向刚度: 7
第4章重力荷载和水平荷载计算 9
4.1重力荷载标准 9
4.1.1楼面、屋面重力荷载标准值: 9
4.1.2屋面和楼面荷载可变荷载标准值: 9
4.1.3梁、柱重力荷载标准值: 9
4.1.4墙体重力荷载标准值: 10
4.2重力荷载代表值 10
4.3水平地震作用计算 11
4.3.1结构自振周期: 11
4.3.2水平地震影响系数: 12
4.3.3水平地震作用标准值: 12
4.4风荷载作用计算 13
4.4.1风荷载标准值 13
4.4.2风荷载相关计算: 13
第5章水平地震作用下框架结构分析 15
5.1水平地震作用 15
5.1.1剪重比和侧移验算: 15
5.1.2内力计算: 16
5.2风荷载作用 19
5.2.1侧移验算: 19
5.2.2内力计算: 20
第6章竖向荷载作用下框架结构分析 23
6.1计算单元简图 23
6.2荷载计算 23
6.2.1恒荷载: 23
6.2.2活荷载: 25
6.3内力计算 27
6.3.1恒载内力 27
第7章内力组合 37
7.1弯矩调幅 37
7.2内力调整 38
7.3内力组合 46
第8章梁、柱、板截面设计 70
8.1梁截面设计 70
8.1.1内力组合和步骤 70
8.1.2设计参数 70
8.1.3配筋计算 70
8.2柱截面设计 80
8.2.1内力组合和步骤 80
8.2.2设计参数 80
8.2.3配筋计算 80
8.3双向板配筋 90
8.3.1设计参数 90
8.3.2内力计算 90
8.3.3配筋计算 90
8.4节点设计 92
第9章基础设计 95
9.1设计资料 95
9.2基础梁 95
9.3 E、B轴柱独立基础 95
9.3.1荷载计算 95
9.3.2基础底面尺寸 96
9.3.3基础立面尺寸 97
9.3.4基础配筋 98
第10章楼梯设计 100
10.1设计参数 100
10.2梯段板设计 100
10.3斜梁设计 101
10.4平台板设计 103
10.5平台梁设计 104
10.6构造措施 105
结论 106
致谢 107