摘 要
This calculation book is about the design of concrete frame structure of "no. 5 teaching building of wenhua college", which includes two parts of architectural design and structural calculation, fully showing the design process of concrete frame structure.
In the architectural design part, first of all to us by the architectural design of teacher the use function of the teaching building and fire control requirements, and then let us to compare the several architectural plan and design, following a safe, beautiful, economy, under the principle of appropriate choice and design their own architectural form and eventually be determined by the teacher, finally determine the structure of the building materials and the basic construction method.
In the structural design part, under the guidance of the teacher, I determined the horizontal frame of the second axis as the basic task of this manual calculation.Then determine the load (constant load, live load, wind load, earthquake action) borne by the specific frame, select the most adverse combination value for the beam and column section checking, checking qualified finally carried out the beam and column, plate, stairs, foundation reinforcement design calculation and use AUTOCAD software to complete the layout drawings of each structure.
Keywords: Concrete frame Structure; Seismic design; Architectural design; Structural design; The teaching building.
1 设计资料:
1.1 工程名称:文华学院5号教学楼
1.2 工程概况:
此建筑采用的是现浇混凝土框架结构,层数为5层,五层均为教室,分为大小教室,大教室面积为77.76m2,小教室面积为51.85m2。第一层层高为4.2m,其余层高为3.9m,共五层, 室内外高差为0.45m,平屋顶。
1.3 设计资料:
4、地面粗糙度类别: B类。

目 录
目录 10
第一章绪论 1
1.1毕业设计的目的 1
1.2毕业设计的基本要求 1
第二章设计总说明…… …...……2
1设计简介: 2
2.1 地面 2
2.2 楼面 2
2.3 踢脚线 3
2.4 内墙 3
2.6 屋面 4
2.7 平顶 4
2.8 油漆 4
2.9 台阶 4
2.10 散水: 4
2.11 卫生间 5
3 设计内容: 5
3.1 建筑设计: 5
3.2 结构设计: 5
第三章结构计算 8
1 设计资料: 8
1.2 工程概况: 8
1.3 设计资料: 8
2 结构布置及计算简图 9
2.1 结构布置如图2-1所示 9
2.2 计算单元选取 9
2.3 梁柱截面尺寸的确定 10
2.4 板厚的确定 11
3 恒载计算 12
3.1 屋面荷载标准值 12
3.2 楼面荷载标准值: 12
3.3 框架梁柱荷载标准值: 12
3.4 填充墙荷载标准值: 13
3.5 门窗荷载标准值: 13
3.6 楼梯荷载的标准值: 13
4 活荷载计算 14
5 楼层荷载汇总 14
5.1 顶层荷载: 14
5.2 二至四层荷载: 15
5.3 一层荷载: 16
6 地震作用 17
6.1 横向框架侧移刚度计算 17
6.2 横向框架自振周期计算 21
6.3 横向框架水平地震作用 21
6.4 变形验算: 22
6.5横向框架②轴柱端弯矩计算 24
6.6 地震作用下的内力分析 24
7 横向框架风荷载用下的内力分析 28
7.1横向框架风荷载作用下的水平位移验算 30
7.2 横向框架风荷载作用下的内力计算 32
8 竖向荷载作用下横向框架内力计算 37
8.1计算单元 37
8.2 荷载计算 37
8.3 各层结点弯矩计算 40
8.5 横向框架的弯矩用二次分配法进行弯矩分配 42
9 横向框架内力组合 55
9.1 截面内力值计算 55
9.2 内力组合 56
10 截面设计 58
10.1框架梁 58
10.2 框架柱 66
10.3 现浇板 72
10.4 次梁 77
11 楼梯设计 79
11.1 楼梯板计算 79
11.3 平台梁设计 81
12 地基基础设计 82
12.1 地基变形验算 82
12.2 柱下基础设计 82
12.3地基梁设计 90
第四章结论 91
致谢 91
参考文献 92