摘 要
The design of the integrated is framework of the five-storey building, whose lower two floors are shopping cente rand upper three floors are office space. The design contains mainly the construction program design, structural design and construction design.
Architectural design program based mainly on tasks, combining the use of functional buildings, fire evacuation requirements and building construction for humanity program design. 1, the functional area; 2, the space portfolio; 3, drawing construction plans.
In short, structural design uses structural anguage to express things. Structure of language is from construction and other professional drawings and are refined to simplify the structure of elements, including the foundation, walls and columns, beam, slab, the staircase, the map-like detail and so on .Then these structural elements are used to form the structural system of a building or structure, including load-bearing system of vertical and level of resistance, then all of the load in the most concise way transfer to basis. In structural design, the authors first formula for beam, slab, column, the section size estimates by experience, further invest to determine relevant norms which constant loads, live loads, wind loads, earthquake. By the second moment distribution method, D-value method and the base shear,the desgin calculated the associated load, and determined the most disadvantaged, and the largest internal forces of the frame beams and columns, then checked and crossed sections for reinforcement calculation.
In the design process, the whole structure strictly follows the requirements of the relevant professional specifications, refers to the relevant materials and the latest national standards and specifications, and makes a comprehensive and comprehensive scientific consideration of each link of the design. In short, the principle of this design is applicable, safe, economical and convenient to use. The design of reasonable and feasible building structure scheme is an important basis for site construction.
Key Words:Frame structure; Seismic Design; load calculation; Internal Force calculation; reinforcement
1.1 设计概况:
1.1.1 建设项目名称:常衡集团办公大楼
1.1.2 建设地点:城市
1.1.3 设计资料:
气象资料:全年主导风向:偏南风 夏季主导风向,常年降雨量为:350mm,时间是5—7月,基本风压为:0.45kN/m2(Ⅱ类一组)

绪论 1
第1章 工程概况 2
1.1 设计概况 2
1.2 结构承重方案选择 2
第2章 梁柱截面尺寸计算 3
2.1 框架梁截面尺寸的确定 3
2.2 框架柱截面尺寸的确定 5
第3章 荷载计算 6
3.1恒荷载标准值的计算 6
3.2活荷载标准值计算 8
3.3竖向荷载作用下框架荷载计算 8
3.4风荷载计算 13
3.5地震作用计算 13
第4章 内力计算 20
4.1恒荷载标准值作用下的内力计算 20
4.2活荷载标准值作用下的内力计算 24
4.3风荷载作用下框架内力计算 24
4.4地震作用下框架内力计算 31
4.5侧移计算 34
第5章 内力组合计算 36
5.1框架梁的支座边缘处内力转换计算 36
5.2横向框架梁的内力组合计算(一般组合) 39
5.3横向框架梁内力组合(考虑地震作用组合) 43
5.4横向框架柱内力组合(一般组合) 46
5.5横向框架柱内力组合(考虑地震作用组合) 53
第6章 框架梁柱的设计 59
6.1 框架梁截面设计 59
6.2 框架柱截面设计 67
6.3 构件裂缝宽度验算 90
第7章 板的计算 92
7.1 荷载计算 92
7.2 截面设计 92
第8章 楼梯计算 95
8.1 设计资料 95
8.2 梯段板设计 95
8.3 平台板计算 97
8.4 平台梁设计 98
第9章 地基基础设计 99
9.1基本概况 99
9.2基础埋深及尺寸的确定 99
9.3地基承载力验算 99
9.4基础底板配筋计算 102
参考文献 104
致谢 104
目 录
一. 设计依据 3
二. 计算软件信息 3
三. 结构模型概况 3
1. 系统总信息 3
2. 楼层信息 7
3. 各层等效尺寸 8
4. 层塔属性 8
四. 工况和组合 8
1. 工况设定 8
2. 工况信息 9
3. 构件内力基本组合系数 9
五. 质量信息 9
1. 结构质量分布 9
2. 各层刚心、偏心率信息 10
六. 荷载信息 10
1. 风荷载信息 10
七. 立面规则性 11
1. 楼层侧向剪切刚度 11
2. [楼层剪力/层间位移]刚度 12
3. 各楼层受剪承载力 12
4. 楼层薄弱层调整系数 13
八. 抗震分析及调整 13
1. 结构周期及振型方向 13
2. 各地震方向参与振型的有效质量系数 14
3. 地震作用下结构剪重比及其调整 14
4. 偶然偏心信息 16
九. 结构体系指标及二道防线调整 16
1. 竖向构件倾覆力矩及百分比(抗规方式) 16
2. 竖向构件地震剪力及百分比 17
十. 变形验算 18
1. 普通结构楼层位移指标统计 18
2. 大震下弹塑性层间位移角 20
十一. 舒适度验算 21
1. 结构顶点风振加速度 21
十二. 抗倾覆和稳定验算 21
1. 抗倾覆验算 21
2. 整体稳定刚重比验算 21
3. 二阶效应系数及内力放大 22
十三. 超筋超限信息 22
1. 超筋超限信息汇总 22
十四. 指标汇总 22
1. 指标汇总信息 22
十五. 结构分析及设计结果简图 23
1. 结构平面简图 23
2. 荷载简图 26
3. 配筋简图 29
4. 边缘构件简图 32
5. 柱、墙轴压比简图 34