This design is the teaching building design of honghe middle school in yunnan province.
The teaching building is 22.20m high, with a total construction area of about 7200m2. Its fireproof rating is level 2 and its seismic fortification intensity is 7. The content of architectural design includes plane, elevation and section design. Structural design includes frame design, component design and foundation design. Among them, the frame uses the reinforced concrete transverse frame bearing arrangement scheme, the foundation uses the reinforced concrete column under the independent foundation and the double column joint foundation. This design focuses on the reinforcement design of a horizontal frame. After determining the frame layout and distribution statistics to obtain the magnitude of various loads, the horizontal seismic forces were calculated according to the bottom shear method, and then the internal forces of the structure under wind load and earthquake action were calculated according to the D value method. The internal forces of the structure under the action of dead load and live load were calculated according to the quadratic distribution method of bending moment.
Keywords: Frame structure: Structural design; Architectural design; Load; Reinforcement

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章设计资料 1
1.1 工程名称 1
1.2 建设地点 1
1.3 设计原则 1
1.4 工程概况 2
1.5 设计主要依据和资料 2
1.6 结构方案设计及结构选型和布置 3
1.7 楼、屋面使用荷载 3
第二章梁、柱截面尺寸及计算简图 4
2.1 结构平面布置图 4
2.2 梁、柱截面尺寸的估算 5
2.3 基础选型与埋置深度 6
2.4 框架计算简图 6
2.5 梁、柱相对线刚度计算 7
第三章荷载计算及其内力分析 10
3.1 恒载标准值计算 10
3.2 活荷载标准值计算 11
3.3 框架梁线荷载计算 12
3.4 框架柱集中荷载计算 15
3.5 荷载作用下框架的固端弯矩 20
3.6 节点分配系数计算 22
3.7 力矩分配法计算荷载作用下框架内力 22
第四章用结构力学求解器计算荷载作用下框架内力 31
第五章风荷载作用 41
5.1 风荷载标准值 41
5.2 侧移刚度D及剪力分配系数计算 42
5.3 风荷载作用下框架侧移计算 43
5.4 风荷载作用下框架内力计算(D值法) 44
第六章水平地震荷载作用 52
6.1 重力荷载代表值的计算 52
6.2 水平地震作用力的计算 53
6.3 水平地震作用下框架的侧移验算 56
6.4 水平地震荷载作用下框架内力计算(D值法) 57
第七章荷载和内力组合 60
7.1 荷载组合类型 60
7.2 梁的内力组合 61
7.3 柱的内力组合 71
第八章框架梁、柱配筋 82
8.1 框架梁配筋 82
8.2 框架柱配筋 93
第九章板钢筋计算 112
9.1 板的类型 112
9.2 荷载设计值计算 113
9.3 截面设计 113
第十章楼梯设计 117
10.1 设计参数 117
10.2 楼梯板计算 117
10.3 平台板计算 118
10.4 平台梁计算 120
第十一章基础设计 122
11.1 地质资料 122
11.2 独立基础设计 122
11.3 联合基础设计 128
第十二章PKPM电算结果分析 132
12.1 电算过程 132
12.2 结果分析 133
结论 135
参考文献 136
致谢 138