The design for a residential building design in Jinan, Shandong, the main design content, including architectural design and structural design.
The design for the four-story frame structure, construction area of 2500m2, building plane, vertical body rules.
The architectural design includes the first floor, the second floor, the third floor, the four-storey building plan, the roof drainage floor plan, the building facade, the left facade, the back facade, the right elevation map, the staircase section and the related design description and doors and windows table.
Structural design includes frame design, reinforcement of beam and column columns, foundation reinforcement calculation and stair design. The calculation of this book focuses on a horizontal frame calculation level, vertical load under the structure of internal forces, and the combination of internal forces to find the most unfavorable combination of calculation reinforcement. Which is related to the bottom of the shear force method, D value method, the second bending moment distribution method, plastic hinge method and other methods, strictly based on "building structure load specification" GB50009-2012, "concrete structure design specifications" GB50010-2010, " Code for seismic design of buildings "GB50011-2010.
This calculation book finally uses PKPM3.1.6 version software to carry on the modeling computation and carries on the contrast analysis to the calculation result with the calculation result, uses the software to draw the construction plan.
Keywords: architectural design, structural design, code, PKPM

摘要 3
Abstract 4
第1章绪论 1
1.1设计摘要 1
1.2工程概况 1
1.3设计依据 1
1.4结构选型 2
1.5结构缝设置 2
1.6地基与基础 2
第2章梁、柱、板截面尺寸和计算简图 3
2.1结构平面布置图 3
2.2梁、柱、板截面尺寸 4
2.2.1梁截面尺寸 4
2.2.2柱截面尺寸 4
2.2.3板截面尺寸 5
2.3基础埋深 5
2.4框架计算简图 5
第3章框架刚度计算 7
3.1梁、柱线刚度 7
3.2框架侧向刚度 8
第4章重力荷载和水平荷载计算 11
4.1重力荷载标准值 11
4.1.1屋面和楼面永久荷载标准值 11
4.1.2屋面和楼面可变荷载标准值 11
4.1.3梁、柱重力荷载标准值 11
4.1.4墙体重力荷载标准值 12
4.2重力荷载代表值 12
4.3水平地震作用计算 14
4.3.1结构自振周期 14
4.3.2水平地震影响系数 14
4.3.3水平地震作用标准值 15
4.4风荷载作用计算 17
第5章水平荷载作用下框架结构分析 21
5.1水平地震作用 21
5.1.1剪重比和侧移验算 21
5.1.2内力计算 22
5.2风荷载作用 27
5.2.1侧移验算 27
5.2.2内力计算 28
第6章竖向荷载作用下框架结构分析 33
6.1计算单元简图 33
6.2荷载计算 33
6.2.1恒载计算 33
6.2.2活载计算 39
6.3内力计算 45
6.3.1恒载内力 45
6.3.2活载内力 53
第7章内力组合 60
7.1弯矩调幅 60
7.2内力调整 62
7.3内力组合 71
第8章梁、柱、板截面设计 104
8.1梁截面设计 104
8.1.1内力组合和步骤 104
8.1.2设计参数 104
8.1.3配筋计算 104
8.2柱截面设计 113
8.2.1内力组合和步骤 113
8.2.2设计参数 113
8.2.3配筋计算 113
8.3双向板配筋 123
8.3.1设计参数 123
8.3.2内力计算 123
8.3.3配筋计算 124
第9章基础设计 126
9.1设计资料 126
9.2基础梁 126
9.3 B轴柱独立基础 126
9.3.1荷载计算 126
9.3.2基础底面尺寸 127
9.3.3基础立面尺寸 128
9.3.4基础配筋 129
第10章楼梯设计 132
10.1设计参数 132
10.2梯段板设计 132
10.3平台板设计 138
10.4平台梁设计 139
结论 141
致谢 142