摘 要
that the engineer wants to express, this is what we often call structural design. The structural language includes various structural elements such as foundations, walls, columns, beams, plates, stairs, large detail drawings, etc. . The structural system of a building is composed of these structural elements, including vertical and horizontal load-bearing and the resistance system they form, and then the various loads are transmitted to the foundation in the safest, most reasonable, and most succinct way. For the structural design phase, we can often roughly score it in three phases:
First, the architectural design stage: the construction unit will provide us with the design power of attorney and construction site conditions, and we need to complete the architectural plan, section and elevation design required by them. The size of the plane column network needs to be reasonably determined; the room should also be well-arranged; the number, location and form of the building (electricity) ladder should be considered clearly; meet the indoor lighting and ventilation requirements. The same is true for the floor height; the floor (floor), roof and wall engineering practices should be given. The architectural style and style should be creative, with a style that is leading the times and aesthetic.
Second, the structural plan stage: Considering the importance of the building, the seismic fortification intensity is also the same. Similarly, the geological survey report should focus on the structure, the height and the number of layers to determine the structural form of the building, and the comprehensive we get. For all the information, we decided to adopt the framework structure.
Third, the structural calculation phase: including load calculation, internal force calculation and component calculation.
KeyWords:Frame structure; Architectural design; Structural design; Internal force calculation.
建筑结构安全等级 二级
设计使用年限 50年
建筑抗震设防类别 乙类
地基基础设计等级 丙级
1.3 自然条件
1.基本风压: 0.35KN/m2
2.基本雪压: 0.65KN/m2

第1章绪论 1
1.1工程概况 1
1.2建筑安全等级和设计年限 1
1.3 自然条件 1
1.4工程地质 2
1.5 设计依据 2
第二章主要构件选型及尺寸初步估算 3
2.1. 主要构件选型 3
2.2梁﹑柱截面尺寸估算 3
2.2.1主梁 3
2.2.2框架柱 3
2.3 确定结构计算简图 3
第3章荷载统计及计算 5
3.1 荷载统计 5
3.1.1 恒载标准值 5
3.1.2 活载标准值 6
3.1.3 风压标准值 6
3.1.4 雪荷载标准值 6
3.1.5 地震作用 6
3.2 荷载计算 6
3.2.1 恒荷载标准值 6
3.2.2 活荷载标准值 7
3.2.3 风荷载标准值 8
3.2.4 地震作用标准值 10
第4章荷载作用下框架的内力分析 16
4.1 恒载作用下框架的内力分析 16
4.1.1 恒载作用下框架弯矩计算 16
4.1.2 恒载作用下框架剪力计算 19
4.2 活载作用下框架的内力分析 27
4.2.1 活载作用下框架弯矩计算 27
4.2.2 活载作用下框架剪力计算 29
4.3 风荷载作用下框架的内力分析 36
4.4 地震作用下框架的内力分析(采用D值法) 40
第5章荷载组合 44
5.1柱的内力 44
5.2 梁的内力 44
第6章结构、构件验算 50
6.1 框架柱 50
6.1.1 边柱Z1的验算 50
6.1.2 中柱Z2的验算 53
6.2 框架梁 57
6.2.1 梁L1的验算 57
6.2.2 梁L2的验算 58
第7章框架连接设计 60
7.1 主梁与柱栓焊连接设计 60
7.1.1 边柱与梁的连接 60
7.1.2 中柱与梁的连接 62
7.2 次梁与主梁的铰接设计 66
7.3 柱脚的设计 67
7.3.1 柱Z1柱脚的设计 67
7.3.2 柱Z2柱脚的设计 69
第8章组合次梁设计 73
8.1 组合次梁截面特性 73
8.2 施工阶段组合梁设计 76
8.3 使用阶段组合梁计算 77
第9章基础设计 81
9.1 A柱基础设计 81
9.2 B柱基础设计 84
第10章楼板设计 89
第11章梯梯设计 92
11.1 梯梁设计 92
11.2 栏杆设计 92
二、PKPM 计算 95
1.建立平面模型 95
2. SATWE 计算及分析 97
3. PK 计算及分析 111
4.全楼节点设计 124
5.绘制施工图 130
5.1 绘制框架图 130
5.2 绘制节点详图 132
5.3 绘制梁柱构件施工图 133
参考文献 135
致谢 136