This design is designed for the office building of Daoxiangchun Food Co., Ltd.. The main design contents include architectural design and structural design.
The design is a six-story concrete frame structure with a building area of 6,000 m2, and the building plan and façade are regular.
The architectural design includes the first floor, standard floor, six floor plan, roof drainage plan, building facade, left facade, back facade, right elevation, stairway profile and associated design descriptions and door and window tables.
Structural design includes frame design, reinforcement calculation for beam and slab columns, basic reinforcement calculations and stair design. This calculation book focuses on the horizontal frame to calculate the horizontal force under the horizontal and vertical loads, and combines the internal forces to find the most unfavorable combination and calculate the reinforcement. The design involves the methods of bottom shearing force, D value method, secondary bending moment distribution method, plastic hinge line method, etc., strictly according to "Building Structure Load Specification" GB50009-2012, "Concrete Structure Design Specification" GB50010-2010, Code for seismic design of buildings GB50011-2010 and other specifications are calculated.
This calculation book finally uses Yingjianke software to carry out modeling calculation and compares the hand calculation with the computer calculation result, and uses the software to obtain the concrete structure construction drawing.
Keywords: architectural design, structural design, Yingjianke, specification
拟建场地地形平坦基础场地类别为Ⅱ类。场区地下水埋藏较深,钻探中未见地下水。场地分层情况如下:第1层为松散杂填土,土层厚0.5m ;第2层为灰色粘土,土层厚1.5m;第3层为褐色粉质粘土,土层厚10m。地基承载力特征值ƒak=240kPa。

第1章 绪论 1
1.1设计摘要 1
1.2工程概况 1
1.3设计依据 1
1.4结构选型 1
1.5地基与基础 1
第2章 材料选择、构件截面尺寸确定及计算简图 2
2.1结构平面布置图 2
2.2构件材料选择 3
2.3梁、柱、板截面尺寸估算 3
2.4框架计算简图 3
第3章 横向框架计算 5
3.1构件自重统计 5
3.2恒载计算 7
3.3活载计算 9
3.4风载计算 12
3.5水平地震作用计算 13
第4章板、楼梯的内力及配筋计算 22
4.1板的内力及配筋计算 22
4.1.1设计资料 22
4.1.2荷载计算 22
4.1.3楼面板配筋计算 22
4.4.4屋面板配筋计算 28
4.2楼梯的内力及配筋计算 30
4.2.1设计参数 30
4.2.2梯段板设计 31
4.2.3斜梁设计 32
4.2.4平台板设计 34
4.2.5平台梁设计 35
第5章 内力计算 37
5.1恒载内力 37
5.2活载内力 45
5.3 水平地震作用内力 50
5.4风荷载作用内力 56
第6章 内力组合 62
6.1弯矩调幅 62
6.2内力调整 63
6.3内力组合 69
第7章 梁、柱截面设计 87
7.1梁截面设计 87
7.1.1设计大致步骤 87
7.1.2设计参数 87
7.1.3配筋计算 87
7.2柱截面设计 97
7.2.1内力组合和步骤 97
7.2.2设计参数 98
7.2.3配筋计算 98
7.3节点设计 108
第8章 基础设计 111
8.1设计资料 111
8.2基础梁 111
8.3 D轴柱独立基础 111
8.3.1荷载计算 111
8.3.2基础底面尺寸的确定 112
8.3.3基础立面尺寸的确定 113
8.3.4基础配筋的计算 114
8.4 B、C双柱联合基础设计 116
8.4.1荷载计算 116
8.4.2双柱联合基础尺寸的确定 117
8.4.3双柱联合基础内力计算 117
8.4.4双柱联合基础高度验算 118
总结 120
致谢 121
参考文献 122